Rude Bitxh and first Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

Sarang's bodyguards who all towered over her petite frame would do silliest stuff to make her happy. This is how usually most of the staff at Bighit were; sweet, kind, considerate and dedicated to their jobs. They'd all greet each other in hallways, make small talks, have get togethers and what not.

The fact that most of Sarang's staff were closer to her age also made them feel closer.

It's also a common habit to greet whoever you see in your way if you know them or work together.

Which is why when Sarang spotted a woman wearing the staff ID strutting through the hallway, bypassing Sarang without so much as a nod of greeting Sarang couldn't help the surprise that overtook her. And if that wasn't strange enough Sarang didn't miss the onceover the woman gave her, before turning her nose up and walking down the hallway.

"What a strange woman." Sarang thought to herself before continuing down the hallway.

The following day Sarang was at the company's canteen waiting in line to get her meal when she saw the same woman haughtily making her way over to the coffee stand and grabbing a cup of it. She stood there for sometime and just as Sarang was making her way towards a table the unnamed stylist bumped into her, pouring the hot coffee all over Sarang.

"Ahh it burns." Sarang yelped in pain as she looked down at her favorite pink top now ruined cause coffee and the telltale burning sensation on her skin. Sarang looked up to see the woman staring at Sarang with a smirk?

"No that can't be right, she certainly won't be smirking after hurting someone." Sarang frowned as she thought to herself.

"Hey, watch out." Sarang's manger called from the other side of the room, rushing towards Sarang. "Sarang-ah are you alright?" Sarang just nodded her head slightly, afraid to cause a commotion.

"Oh sorry, didn't see you there." The woman let out a apology, but anyone who heard her could hear and see just how unapologetic she seemed. She looked at Sarang with fake concern dripping from her voice before saying "Glad you're fine."

"She's anything but fine, you poured hot coffee all over her and gave a half-assed apology. Who even are you? I've never seen you here before." Sarang's other bodyguard squared up, ready to escort the woman out of the company by force if he had to.

Sarang looked at her bodyguards and shook her head slightly, mumbling that she was fine and to leave the place. She didn't want to create a bigger commotion. People were already looking at them, whispering amongst themselves.

The woman looked quite scared of the intimidating bodyguards and mumbled another apology. Sarang just waved her off and left the cafeteria to get some medicine, her bodyguards following her all the while shooting glares at the woman.

Sarang's manager Minhee came rushing down to Sarang's studio, first kid in her hand. She quickly looked at Sarang's red and irritated skin and gasped.

"I left your side for twenty minutes, what did you do to yourself? You'd be lucky if it doesn't scar. Honestly Sarang your clumsiness would be the end of me-" Minhee ranted as she gently lifted Sarang's shirt to inspect the burn. Luckily it looked like a first degree burn.

"Actually it wasn't Sarang's fault." Taeho, one of her bodyguards said, making Minhee turn to him.

"Whose fault it is it then?" She arched an eyebrow. "And Jiyoung-ah please stop your pacing and mutterings, it's giving me a headache." She scolded the other bodyguard.

"Noona, who is this Jamie?" Jiyoung asked her.

"Jamie? Jamie who?" Minhee asked him, looking confused.

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