"Because I can't let Quinn go through that. I can let her mother go to jail."

"You're doing this because of your love for my daughter?"

I paused and looked at him with all seriousness suddenly the smile was wiped from my face. "If I need to die for her, I will. If she needs me to kill for her, I will. I will do absolutely another for her."

His eyes studied me intensely before he nodded and took a deep breath. "Then I'll be on your side."

"No matter how much I think I can't figure out how you fixed the puzzle and knew she did it."He added.

"When the police arrived at my house and found the poison in the toilet, something clicked in my head. I suddenly remembered when I went to meet my grandfather but found him and her having tea, and then I remembered when she came over to tell me not to call Quinn anymore do you know the only place she visited in my home?" I raised my head.

He tucked his hands together and muttered, "The toilet."

"You would think that those two weren't even to judge her but she's a mother. She lost her son all because of a man who had an affair and a family that would kill anyone who tried to bring dirt to their name. She must have been boiling with rage all these years thinking of how to ruin us. And she's done it... And I'm going to help her."

"What do you mean by you're going to help her?"

"She is planning with my mother and father on how to bring my grandfather down but she truly wants to bring everyone in the family down. She has struck down two of us, leaving my father and mother... I'm still stuck on how to deal with that situation but on the company, my plan is already in motion. Very soon the truth would be out about the dirty deals we've been involved in would be exposed, it'll be right after my father takes over. Then all the blame would be on him and the company would have no one to take care of it, hence its downfall. The grandfather dies, the son is labeled a murderer and sentenced to life, and the prodigal father appears but loses everything once again. That should satisfy her a little don't you think." There was a huge smile on my face as I spoke and I definitely resembled a Chesire cat.

But to anyone else I definitely looked like a devil, a psychopath, a maniac who knew his downfall was coming and was embracing it.

"Ace," he breathed and I crashed back to earth and turned to him. "You don't have to carry the burden on yourself like that."

"No!" I yelled, my eyes widened and face turning pale. "I have to do this! This is the only way I can redeem my family! It's the only way I can stop this madness! The only way the victim's families can feel better! It's the only way all these people can stop staring at me and whispering." My last sentence came out as a whisper as the hairs at the back of my head spiked up and my eyes rolled around the room.

"What people?" He asked, sitting up with a concerned look on his face. His eyebrows knitted with pity, sadness, and confusion as he followed my eyes around the room.

I gripped a fist full of my hair and my breaths panned out staggered with my words. "The people they killed."

His chest heaved as my words sank into him but I was too busy scrutinizing my surroundings to notice the way his pupils danced due to the thoughts running in his head.

"They- they're everywhere- they- they won't leave... The whole- whole room is- it's so suffocating- I can't- do this. No! I have- I have to do this- for my Quinn and the other victims... My Quinn, my Quinn, my Quinn, my Quinn," The words continued spilling like a chant from my lips and my sight got blurry again. The blood surged through my veins just as fast as the people around me moved making me turn my head swiftly each time to watch them. Her name continued to spill from my lips, she was the only thing in the world that kept me going.

"Son," his voice boomed and bounced around the wall in my head. I  turned to him and the warm look in his eyes eased the tension I felt. He calmly took my hands which were shaking and held them tightly in his.

My whole world went silent at his word. Son. Nobody has called me that for so long, the word became foreign to me. I gradually looked at him wondering why he was being so kind and caring to me.


"Son, listen to me. I won't tell you to change how you're feeling. I won't tell you to change your statement and ruin my family. I know you're doing this because of Quinn. You don't want her to know about her mother or have her mother labeled as a murderer. I'm way too selfish to ask you to tell the truth to the police. So the best I can do is help you in any way I can. I'm so sorry that you had to live such a difficult life. But it's not your fault. Nothing those terrible people did is your fault."

I remained speechless. Letting his words sink in.

"Can you please do something for me?" I finally spoke and he nodded immediately.

"What is it?"

"I need a pen and paper."


Writing this chapter really took a toll on me and I wanted it to be perfect. I hope you were all able to feel Ace's emotions as much as I did.

I just want to give him a big hug, it hurts too much to hurt your characters.

Quinn's POV is coming soon so stay tuned for the next chapter and erm let me just say get your tissues ready.

Please vote, comment, and share!🤍

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