robbery gone wrong..

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Haaah , at the very last I finished my work ,what  a relief ... Vegas said stretching his arms yawning and turned off his computer's lit screen ...

Time to sleep otherwise I will be late for work tomorrow ,he stated to himself again as he got up from his chair and walked to the bed looking at it there were things scattered all around the bed ,he shrugged his shoulders and tossed the things off the bed and laid down on it ...

His whole apartment was in a mess ,photos , newspaper cuttings, information on people and whatnot was scattered all over the place ,if anyone was to see this they will definitely think that Vegas is a papperazi or something but that was not the case ,he was just a simple person who did trivial things for his living ,he was not a rich person but he was doing well on his own but his line of work is a bit too competitive and tomorrow is the day when he will get ahead of his fellows and get a promotion..

Ahhh , tomorrow is the day when all my problems will come to an end ,after my work is done tomorrow I will fly away somewhere else from this city and I will buy a penthouse for myself and a Buggati Mistral ,then I will marry a beautiful girl no actually ugly will also do as long as she is from a rich family and then I will handle all their business and become one of the most wealthiest person of the country....

Vegas said to himself and got under the duvet to sleep early to have energy for his work tomorrow morning...

Morning :-

it was 09 something in the morning, when vegas's phone suddenly started buzzing , he tried to ignore the call and pressed the pillow to his ear so that the buzzing sound will fade but the caller was more stubborn than him and  called nonstop ,Vegas got irritated and answered the call..

Hello , who is it .. Vegas asked irritated...

It's me you punk ... Where are you .. don't you have work to do you lazy ass.. the other person on the line yelled making Vegas open his wide ...

Oh boss , sorry I didn't realise it was you please forgive me.. Vegas said apologetically.

Whatever ,get your lazy ass here as soon as possible else I will fire you and get someone new to work for me ... The boss replied arrogantly..

No ,no , boss sorry I will come now please don't kick me out ... Vegas stated getting up from his bed immediately and ran to the restroom..

Okay ,come in half an hour ,the boss commanded and hung up before Vegas could say anything..

Vegas quickly put on his clothes and ran out of his apartment and took a cab to the place where he had to work today ...

Walk quick you arrogent punk and get to your work .. the boss yelled at him again as soon as he saw him entering..

Yes boss , thank you... Vegas said rolling his eyes internally and changed into the waiter uniform and started setting things and whatever while looking around the big mansion in fascination ,slowly walking around the stairs looking at the doors of rooms upstairs with an amazed look , looking at the ceiling of the mansion and the people working there , smiling a bit he took a tray in his hand and  started walking up the stairs , Vegas had only taken a few steps when suddenly his manager called him from behind..

Why are you going upstairs ... His boss asked irritated..

U...umm..i thought we needed to set things upstairs as well so I thought I will do it before the guests arrive... Vegas explained calmly and cooly.

There's no need , guests will be only on the ground floor ,so you don't need to go up , come down and do your work ... The manger spat out the words glaring at Vegas...

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