23. Alexandria Selwyn, (see also, Sirius Black's daughter)

Start from the beginning

"What's on your mind?" Rosmerta asked. "You're not on top of your game like normal."

Alex offered half a smile. "It's nothing."

Rosmerta quirked her eyebrow. "So it's a boy?"

The younger girl couldn't help but scoff with a smile at how on point Rosmerta always managed to be when it came to her. "How do you do that?"

"Sweetheart, when you reach your later years, as I have, you can see what people need to talk about just by looking in their eyes."

Alex shook her head before looking at the cards before her. "Yes, it's a boy," she admitted. "And I'm certain you know him."


"Fred Weasley."

Rosmerta gasped. "A fifth year?! Alexandria Selwyn, you little minx!"

A loud laugh escaped Alex. "Nothing has happened between us like that!" She quickly reassured. "I'm only fourteen, after all."

"Oh, sweetheart, I had my first kiss by the time I was twelve," Rosmerta teased with a wink.

"I haven't had my first kiss," Alex told her. "I mean, a guy pecked my lips, but it was to get rid of some mistletoe that would have followed us around until we kissed someone, but we both agreed it didn't count as our first kiss."

"Who was this?" Rosmerta asked with a suspicious look.

Alex blushed as she let her gaze fall because she knew she'd get teased. "Cedric Diggory."

Rosmerta gasped again. "Alex!"

"We're just friends!" She quickly clarified. "We've been helping each other study in subjects we both struggle in."

"Sure," Rosmerta continued to tease. "I did plenty of studying in my time at Hogwarts as well."

Alex laughed and chucked a flavored bean at the older woman, who laughed as well. "I'm serious!" She told her.

"Alright, alright," Rosmerta spoke, looking at Alex with a soft smile. "You're only friends with Cedric and there's something with Fred going on?"

A heavy sigh left Alex. "Well, nothing's going on with Fred because he said he doesn't want to be my friend anymore," she admitted, tears welling in her eyes over their argument just a few days prior.

"What happened?" Rosmerta asked softly.

Alex then told her everything, starting with before the school year started and how flirty they had been. Then how she had befriended Cedric and that annoyed Fred for some reason and how he was still flirtatious with her and how they had almost kissed a couple times. And then she ended with the argument they had in Hogsmeade, though she left out how it was about the twins giving Harry the Marauder's Map.

"Wow," Rosmerta stated. "Sounds like he's fighting his feelings."

"So what does that mean for me?" Alex asked.

Rosmerta grabbed the young girl's hand. "It means that you need to talk to him, clear the air of hostility between you two, and go from there."

With a small nod, Alex agreed. When the holidays were over and everyone was back at school, Alex would seek Fred out and talk to him.

After turning in that night, Alex laid in bed, smiling over how much better the day had gone, even the conversation at the end of the night about her boy troubles.  She couldn't help but wonder what Harry, Ron, and Hermione were doing but she missed them, even if the boys weren't speaking to her.  Drifting off to sleep, she thought of what she would say to Harry and Fred next time she saw them.

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