3. A letter from who after how long?!

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After Alex had settled into a room or her own, she walked out to find a ministry worker standing there, smiling at her

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After Alex had settled into a room or her own, she walked out to find a ministry worker standing there, smiling at her.  "Miss Selwyn, if you would follow me please," he told her.  "The minister would like to speak with you."

Groaning, Alex glanced around, making sure Harry was waiting downstairs before following right behind him.  They made it to a private parlor where the Minister of Magic stood at the fireplace, holding a cup of tea.  The door opening pulled his attention away from looking into it as he looked up to see Alex standing there.  Relief flooded his senses and he smiled warmly at the young girl. 

Alex had met the minister several times.  He had come on more than one occasion to Severus' home at Spinner's End.  His reasoning was because there had been several times that Sirius had requested that Alex come and visit him in Azkaban.  She always refused, never wanting to see that man for as long as he was there to rot.

"Alexandria!" He greeted.  "How have your summer holidays been?"

The look on the young girl's face was enough for Fudge to drop that happy talk as he walked over to the table to set his tea down. 

"Why wasn't I informed of my father's escape from Azkaban?" She snapped as she walked towards him.  She knew she should have shown more respect, this was the Minister of Magic, but she was angry and scared, understandably so.

"We didn't think he would be on the loose for this long," he told her.  "Everybody is looking for him and I assure you that he will be caught."

Alex couldn't help but roll her eyes.  "How long has he been on the loose?"

"As far as we can tell, just a few days," he told her, nervously fiddling with his fingers.

The young girl ran her fingers through her hair before looking at him again.  "Has there been any news on my mother?" She asked desperately.  "Would he be after her as well?"

On the times when Fudge would come to Spinner's End, she always asked if there had been any unidentified deceased witches that had been found. According to his knowledge, there wasn't, but he let her know that he would keep an eye out for any reports and keep her informed. No news was good new that her mum was still alive, but why hadn't she tried to contact Alex?

"No reports worth mentioning," he told her truthfully. "But I have been watching for them.  As far as I know, your father did not mention your mother too much-" he paused, considering his next words "-but he did talk quite a bit about you again."

"What was it this time?" She asked, her tone sarcastic because she had no interest in whatever her father had to say about her.

"He just asked how you were doing," he spoke softly.  "What Hogwarts house you were in, if I knew how well you were doing school, how your mother was, things like that."

Alex's blood ran cold as she looked at him.  "You mean he knows I don't live with my mum?" She asked fearfully.  "He knows she's on the run?"

Fudge nodded. Alex didn't know why, but that thought made her worry.  Would he care that her mother was in danger?  Or were the two of them simply a means to an end when Voldemort took power?  She didn't know.

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