After I finished eating I washed the dishes then I headed into the living room and layed down on the couch and turned on the TV and looked for something to watch.

Midnight jumped on the couch and climbed onto my stomach and layed down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I smiled and started scratching her head she was purring loudly and nudged her head against my hand I said my baby.

I said I am so happy I took you in my phone started ringing and I answered it and said hello my mom said Bella I smiled and said hey mom.

She said how are you doing I said it's been nice living in Patrick's house I feel more at home than I did at my own house she smiled and said I'm happy you feel at home now.

I smiled and said I miss you mom she said I miss you more Bella beans I started laughing and said I love you she said I love you more Bella I bit my lip and laughed.

I talked to my mom for a while until she had to go to a meeting for the day I put my phone down and smiled and continued scratching midnights head.

I looked for something to watch then I put the remote down and snuggled against midnight a little while later she jumped off the couch and went into the kitchen.

I got off the couch and used the restroom then headed into the kitchen and got something to eat then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I started eating and looked to the side midnight was sitting on the floor staring at me I took a picture of the cat and I put my phone down and started laughing.

Middle meowed and jumped on the couch and started rubbing against my shoulder and she started purring loudly I smiled and continued eating some food.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch Midnight jumped on the couch and snuggled against my leg.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch since I was exhausted a couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and looked over my shoulder.

Midnight was sleeping next to my head on the couch I smiled and bit my lip and started scratching her back and she started purring loudly.

I got off the couch and used the restroom then headed into the kitchen I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

I said Jesus it's 6 pm I put my phone down and looked for something to cook for dinner midnight was still completely knocked out on the couch.

I grabbed my phone and face timed Patrick then I put it near the stove so he could see me Patrick answered and said hey babe.

I smiled and said I need to wake up I took a nap he started laughing and said we are heading to our next venue right now I said that sounds like fun.

Patrick said yea I'm excited about it I said I miss you he said me too bells trust me Pete got in the camera and said hey lady.

I laughed and said hi I'm cooking dinner because I'm extremely hungry Pete laughed and said yea that sounds like fun midnight walked over to me and started meowing loudly.

Pete started laughing and said how's the cat I said uh she's fine I put the spoon down and picked up midnight and she started rubbing against my face.

Patrick and Pete started laughing together Patrick said ugh I miss the cat so much I said yea she's such a snuggle bug Patrick said she definitely is.

I smiled and kissed her head and she started purring loudly and continued rubbing against my face and she started wagging her tail.

I put her back down and continued cooking dinner Patrick smiled and said my favorite woman I smiled and bit my lip and blushed slightly.

Pete said aww she's blushing I said shut up asshole and we all started laughing together midnight started rolling around in the kitchen I laughed and shook my head.

I talked to Patrick and pete until they had to go I also turned off the stove and made my plate then I sat down at the table and started eating dinner and played on my phone.

Midnight started eating her food because she was hungry I smiled and continued eating my food because it was extremely good I also took a picture and sent it to Patrick.

He said it looks good I said it is he said I can't wait to come home I said ugh me too I continued talking to Patrick while I ate my food.

After midnight finished eating she ran into the living room and started playing with her toys and meowed loudly I laughed and shook my head.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes then I picked up the food and put it in the fridge then I started washing dishes while listening to music and watched midnight play with her toys.

After I finished washing the dishes i turned off my music and headed back into the living room and sat down on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the night.

A couple of hours later I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I put my phone down and turned off the TV and headed upstairs and went into me and Patrick's room.

Midnight followed after me and meowed I said what's wrong midds she walked to the other side of the hallway and layed down and got comfortable on the floor.

I closed the door and plugged my phone in and put it down and used the restroom then headed back into our room and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

I grabbed my phone and started playing on my phone while chilling in bed I played on my phone for a while I checked the time and it said midnight.

I started getting exhausted I put my phone down and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I don't know why midnight wanted to sleep in the hallway.

my principal (Patrick Stump)Where stories live. Discover now