Chapter 8 ~ Unspoken Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Nene-chan! Wait!" Emu yelled as Nene walked further.

"Emu, leave her to calm down," I said, "Maybe she'll come back afterwards, she doesn't usually burst like that, despite her usual rudeness."

"But, who knows if she'll be okay?!" Emu said worriedly.

"She'll be fine... This is probably just a little thing..." I turned to Rui, "Now, would you mind telling us what happened between you and Nene?"

"Well... Uhm... It's not a little thing..." He didn't sound too comfortable saying it, "It was kinda long ago but... I really regretted it."


-Five years ago.

"Meet the Kamishiro family! They live next to us!" My mom said as I hid behind her back. I didn't like meeting other people, but since we moved homes... Well...

"Come on, come out and say hi!" My mom said again, encouraging me. I gave a little wave to the boy with purple hair and two cyan streaks who was grinning at me.

"Hey, what's your name?" The boy walked up to me and asked.

"Kusanagi Nene..." I mumbled, covering my face with my mom's jacket.

"Nice to meet you, Kusanagi!" The boy said, "I'm Kamishiro Rui, you can call me Rui if you like, can I call you by your first name?"

"Sure..." I muttered, making sure not to make eye contact with Rui.


"Wanna make shows with me?" Rui asked me after we watched the show about the mermaid.

"Yes!" I smiled. I wanted to sing like the actor on stage...

"Then, let's get started!" He said happily, "We can use my robots as the side characters! Then..."


This is the last part! I'll just have to sing, and then, the show will be finished!

Suddenly, something distracted me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a robot moving weirdly, and there were some sizzling sounds...

"Rui!" I yelled, "That robot seems to be acting weird-"

Hm? Where'd he go...?

The sizzling noises got louder as I looked for Rui. He wasn't in the room, for all I knew.

Should I go check it myself?

I nodded to myself as I made my choice and walked towards the robot. I checked the back of it.

There doesn't seem to be a problem-


I fell onto the floor, my head hitting on the wall hard. It hurt. The sounds of metal falling on the floor hollowed into my ears. The robot in front of me was gone, and I was covered in a sea of broken machines.

My eyesight went slightly blurry as warm liquid was running down my face. I didn't touch it though. I didn't have the energy to.

Rui, where are you? Come back and fix this...

And before I knew it, I lost consciousness.


"Nene? Are you done with the singing? I thought I'd bring some apple juice to celebrate-" I gasped loudly and dropped the cups as I saw the scenery in front of me.

"NENE?!" I screamed. What happened?!

I ran over and realized Nene had passed out. Tiny bits of blood were running down the left side of her forehead. Thousands of broken machinery were on the floor. I fell on my knees.

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