Dream On (53)

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Shania opened her eyes just as the pilot announced that they'd be landing in Miami International Airport soon. Shy rubbed her eyes and stared over at Johnny. He was still fast asleep. The right side of his head was leaning on the wall beside his seat. Sheryl seemingly hadn't come back and told Johnny off for stealing her seat and sleeping in it yet which was good. They only had about 15 minutes left of the journey so Shania decided to let Johnny nap for a little while longer before nudging him awake.

When Shy finally woke him up there was only 7 minutes left of the flight. Everyone could see houses, shops and cars below them as the jet slowly lowered itself further to the ground. Shy leaned forward and nudged Johnny a little by rubbing his shoulders and arms (and even tickling his chin a little) which woke him up. He rubbed his eyes just like how Shy did after she woke up and at first he seemed confused about where he was.

"Huh? Where am I? Shy, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me. We are on our way to Florida, remember? We only have a few minutes left so you better use the bathroom and stuff now before we land."

"Oh, I remember now." Johnny sat up in his chair and brushed his hair out of his face. "I'll go to the bathroom and then I'll go back to my old seat. I'll go and tell Sheryl she can sit here again. See you in a while, Shy." Johnny got up and walked away before Shy could even respond to him. Shy heard him speak to Sheryl and then she heard his footsteps walk towards the toilet.


Johnny's dream

Johnny dreamed of him being on his private island, but not alone. He had Shy with him and a few of his best friends and family members. His children were with him and their mother, Vanessa, too. Sean, Malcolm and Mark were there and so were Jeff and Sandra Beck.

Johnny was laying on a sun lounger on the sand by the beach. The water was bright blue and warm. The sky was very sunny and the sand was warm and golden. Johnny was laying shirtless with some bright coloured pink and white swimming trunks on which had pink palm trees on them.

So far, Shania was nowhere to be seen, but she was definitely there because there was an empty sun lounger beside Johnny and Shania's phone was laying on it. As everyone chilled either on their own sun loungers, on the sand with a towel, or inside in the shade, Johnny picked up Shania's phone and brought it inside. He walked through the kitchen/dining room and went straight upstairs to his bedroom. Inside of his bedroom was Shania.

The bedroom was quite small and minimal, but also quite cluttered. Every surface had bottles of sun cream, pairs of sunglasses,  or other belongings all over it. On one side of the bedroom was a balcony and Shania was sat on that balcony  enjoying the cooler, higher  air and shade while looking down on everyone else who was hanging out outside. Johnny walked up behind her and patted her on her right shoulder.

Shania jumped back, turned her head then smiled. "Hey. I thought you were a spider falling on my shoulder or something."

Johnny clearly surprised her so he sat down beside her and whispered to her while wrapping his left arm around her back. "Sorry. I just came here to give you your phone."

"Thanks. I knew I'd left it somewhere, I just wasn't sure where."

"No worries. Are you hungry? I can speak to my chef and get them to bring us something to our room." He whispered and planted a soft and gentle kiss onto Shy's cheek.

Shy blushed, but seemed used to Johnny's kisses. "I'm ok."

"Why did you come in here then?"

"The beach was way too hot for me. I was scared that my pale skin would fry if I stayed out there too long at one time."

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