Walk This Way (3)

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"Oh-ohh, just for one day..."

Shy finished singing her heart out and looked up at the Vampires, Malcolm, Sean and a few of the other crew members. A couple of them were whispering to each other and a few were smiling. Johnny and Tommy were the first two to stand up and give rounds of applause. Once they stood up so did the others. The claps were loud enough to be heard from the International Space Station, that's how loud they were. Shy stood up and bowed. "Thank you."

Johnny walked up onto the stage and shook Shy's hand very energetically. "Well done. I mean it, well done. That was amazing." It reminded Shy of the scene at the end of Charlie & The Chocolate Factory when Charlie is the final child and he wins the factory. Shy smiled as a reply and she saw out of the corner of her eye the other vampires joined Johnny on the stage.

"John's right, that was sweet as."

"Well done, Little Havoc." Joe told her and patted her on the back.

"I knew you had it in ya." Alice added.

"Thanks guys. I'm still not sure about tonight though. I don't want to mess up in front of everybody."

"Shania, you won't. I know you won't. Don't you think all of us boys get nervous every night we perform? Of course we do, but we put on a brave face and perform anyway."

"But I'm not like you boys. I'm just a girl. You are all famous musicians with decades worth of experience. I've only ever played in my bedroom to my brother or mum, that's it."

Johnny looked at the boys and they looked back at Johnny. "Shania, we don't want to make you feel forced into performing so we won't make you feel bad if you say no, but just know that we'll be on stage with you. I'll be playing and singing anyway because it's my song. All you have to do is stand near me and sing along into the mic."

"And we won't leave you alone for a second." Tommy added. "Look, we'll act it out for ya."

Alice, Joe, Johnny and Tommy all took their places on stage. Johnny started off by standing in the left corner of the stage with Alice in the middle, Joe on the right side and Tommy somewhere in-between Joe and Johnny. Johnny waved Shy over to him and told her to stick near him as he slowly walked towards the middle where Alice was. Shy followed along and pretended to play with Johnny and the boys while Johnny sang a couple lyrics to prove the point. "Is this ok?"

"Yeah. I guess so. I just don't want to ruin anything."

"You won't. I swear it."


"Good. Now, let's all grab some food and meet back here in 45 minutes?" Johnny asked the crew. They all nodded in agreement and went their separate ways.

While most of the Vampires went out to eat something, Shy went straight back to her fathers dressing room and sat in there. When she walked in her father was in there, it looked like he was cleaning something off of the dressing table.


"Hey, Shy. Where are the others?"

"They went out to eat something. We have 45 minutes until we start."

"Alright. Do you want me to take you somewhere?"

"No, I'm ok actually. I might just go for a walk."

"Alright, see you soon."


Shy grabbed her jacket and bag and left the O2. Inside of the O2 arena were various food places to grab a bite to eat at. There were Italian restaurants, Asian restaurants, Latin restaurants, cocktail bars, American restaurants, and regular pubs selling pub food. Shania didn't want a lot of food because everything here was crazy expensive and she didn't want to order a lot and not be able to eat it all. She decided to go to Frankie & Benny's and grabbed some pasta and a fizzy drink. The food was crazy expensive, but it tasted nice. She also grabbed her dad a cup of expresso and a cheese burger to take back with her. 

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