Tired Eyes (58)

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The first ever Hollywood Vampire show with Shania was about to start. Shania was still struggling with her nerves AND she hadn't seen Johnny since the kiss on the tour bus earlier. Shania didn't feel like eating a proper meal before the show so instead she just ate some chocolate and drank some cans of Redbull. With every gulp of Redbull that she swallowed Shy felt more nervous. She kept looking up at the clock in her dressing room and with every tick the clock made the worse she felt.

A few minutes later, after Shy finished her drink and used the toilet, she walked out into the corridor and bumped into some of the other band members. Chris and Glen were chatting about something music related so Shy silently squeezed herself past them and walked further down the corridor and as she did so she saw Sean and Malcolm chatting while they drank something in a red solo cup. For obvious reasons Shy didn't want to go near Johnny's body guards after what went on the following day between herself, Sean and Johnny, but she couldn't exactly ignore them either. Shy quickly decided she'd keep her head down and slip past them and as she walked past them, avoided their eye contact and thought she had made it past them without being detected, Sean looked up and pointed in her direction and Malcolm turned around and stared. Leah felt their eyes burning into the back of her head, but chose not to turn to see what they wanted and kept walking.

"Do you think she avoided you on purpose, Sean?" Malcolm questioned, still looking as Shy briskly walked off.


Shy kept walking. She stayed in the venue, but kept walking around. Her feet felt like they wouldn't stay still. A lot of the boys seemed to be missing other than Chris and Glen who she saw near the dressing rooms just a few minutes ago. Shy thought about circling back so she could ask them where Tommy, Buck, Johnny, Alice and Joe were, but she wanted to steer clear of Sean and Malcolm so she didn't dare. Instead, Shy texted Joe to see where he was.

SH: Joe? Are you with the band?

JP: Yep. We are just finishing dinner. Are you at venue still?

SH: Yes. Chris and Glen are here too. I just saw them chatting near the dressing rooms.

JP: Great. If anyone asks tell them we'll be back in 15 minutes.

SH: Alright. See you soon.

Shy wanted to ask about Johnny, but she didn't want to be weird. Instead she put her phone away and hid from Johnny's body guards until it was time to perform.


"...Ok, boys, we're on in 10." Alice informed everyone. "Erm... boys and girl..."

Everyone was sitting in a communal room back stage now. Everyone was spread out across the whole room. Chris and Joe were sat next to each other. They were both fiddling with their guitar strings. Alice was walking around, trying to keep everyone's nerves down. Tommy was drinking a pre-show coffee (with a little alcohol in it). Buck was on the phone. Glen was unboxing a set of new drunk sticks and Johnny was chilling, while smoking, and listening to an instrumental of one of the songs he did with Jeff Beck a while ago. Sean and Malcolm were there too, but they were sat quite far from Shy. Johnny was sort of sitting between Shy and his body guards almost as if he knew there was still tension between Sean and Shy. Shy was sitting with her elbows resting on her thighs and her head down nearly between her knees. She didn't feel sick or anything, but she was petrified. Buck noticed and passed her another can of Redbull. Shy took it and had some, but it didn't make her feel any better.

A few moments passed and somehow 10 minutes were gone. Alice rounded everyone up, they all did their pre-show pep talk, huddled up and then made their way on stage. Shy felt like her heart was in her mouth, but she tried her best to zone out and put everything she had into her music.

Whole Lotta Love was up first and everyone really enjoyed it. Shy spent 90% of the songs just dancing around at the back of the stage, similarly to what Tommy would do.  She didn't have too much to do and she and Johnny only had a few songs together so dancing around and being cheeky actually calmed her nerves quite a bit. Before she knew it, it was time for their first song together.

One pill makes you larger
And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you
Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice
When she's ten feet tall...

Shy was slightly disoriented during the song, but she kept her focus and didn't screw anything up. As they sang, Johnny and Shy slowly walked closer together. Shy couldn't help, but see Johnny's gaze all over her like his eyes were pulling her in like a magnetic pull. When the song was over Shy was left feeling tingly. Shy felt like Johnny's eyes had tickled her all over while they sang and played guitar. 

The show went on for nearly 2 hours, but once it was over it was like a weight had been lifted from Shania's shoulders. As soon as everyone left the stage everyone hugged each other well done. Even Shy and Johnny hugged...

Love On Tour (A Johnny Depp Love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora