Changes (31)

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Shy looked like a mess. Her hair was only wetted with water and she clearly wasn't really dressed appropriately to go to a band rehearsal. She looked like  she'd just got back from a one night stand and all she had time to do was wash last nights makeup off her face before coming into work. Johnny actually grabbed Shy's hand as they walked across the car park and walked her into reception so she could sign herself in.

"Name?" The receptionist asked. This one was very old and moody looking.

"Shania Havoc."

"Alright. Studio 2, ma'am."

"Thanks." Shy felt shy and very self conscious. She kept looking up at Johnny, who was only slightly taller than her, for reassurance. She very much believed that the boys would look at her as if she was some sort of whore. 

Sean opened the studio door for them and Johnny led Shania in, still holding her hand. The pair stood in the doorway while each band member slowly stopped chatting and stared at them. Shy spent this moment in time either looking up at Johnny or down at the floor.

"Shy's here." Johnny said.

"That's great." Alice said, knowing the truth. "Come and take a seat, Shy. We grabbed a spare bass guitar for you from next door for this afternoon. I bet it's nearly as good as your regular one."

Tommy pulled up a stool for her and Shy sat down. She still seemed very distant and more quiet. She was acting just how she acted the day she travelled with her dad to the O2. The other boys must have noticed because they all seemed to feel weird too which only made Shy feel worse. Johnny then grabbed an old amp and sat on it near Shy. He kept staring at her until Alice started telling everyone what to do.

"So, this morning we finished off with 'I'm Eighteen', which is number 12 on the setlist. Next is 'Congratulations'... Should we move onto that or do 'Heroes' and 'White Rabbit' since Shania is here?" Alice asked everyone. Nobody really said yes or no. Clearly everyone could feel the tension in the room without most of the men knowing about last night. Shy tried really hard to act normal and not cry again, but everything felt so difficult now. "Shania, what do you want to do?"

"Sure... I can play now I'm here."" She said very quietly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Let's just get it over and done with..." Shy got up and grabbed the guitar Alice got her. It was dark green and white and it was slightly heavier than her normal pink one. She strummed on it a little and it seemed to work normally. 

Shy walked into the recording booth and Johnny followed her. Johnny closed the door and took a seat beside her.


Once it was done, Shy was already done for the day. The boys started to file into the booth and Johnny stood up and took his position by one of the mics. Shy stood near him, even though she didn't want to. 

"I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day"

Johnny sounded amazing. It did soften the blow a little, but she still felt constantly distracted. Once 'Heroes' was over. Shy kept her mouth shut while she played her guitar for the rest of the day until 4:30pm. Even though the boys rehearsed for the full day today, it wasn't really a successful day. They only did a little bit of rehearsal since Shy wasn't there for half the day, so when it was home time she requested if she could stay at the studio alone and practise by herself to make up for the time she missed this morning.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Alice asked the group. Most of them said yes, but Shy didn't.

"Mr Cooper, do you think the studio owner would mind if I stayed behind for a few hours?"

"I have no idea, Shy. Why don't you go home?"

"I feel bad for missing so much rehearsal time this morning. Please let me stay behind and make it up to you all."

Johnny had an idea and he prayed that Shy wouldn't mind, "Shy, if you like, you and I can rehearse in my hotel room. Sean can drop you off at home so you can collect your guitar then Sean can drive us back to my hotel and we can spend the evening-"

"No, thanks." Shy said.

Alice and Joe frowned and found what she said to be quite rude in comparison to how kind she normally was. "Shy? Johnny's idea isn't bad-" Joe started pointing out, but Shy interrupted him.

"But I don't feel comfortable being in his hotel room... I either want to stay here or go home alone."

"But, Shy, your car is at the hotel anyway, why not at least let Sean and I drive you back so you can collect it-"

"No, thank you, Mr Depp."

Johnny looked down at the floor and felt like his voice had disappeared from his throat. He couldn't believe that last night made her feel so uncomfortable. He frowned at the floor then mumbled, "I didn't mean to hurt you, Shania..." He said, nearly starting to cry.

The boys seemed even more confused than before Johnny and Shy arrived. Chris Wyse walked over to Johnny and put his arm around him. "It's alright, man. Let's go back to the hotel and I'm sure I can bring Shania's car back to her house for her." All of the boys seemingly took Johnny's side which didn't help much because neither of them could really discuss it with anyone apart from Johnny's body guards or Alice and Joe. One by one each band member left which left Shy basically alone with Joe as he packed up his guitar.

"Johnny told Alice and I earlier about last night in his hotel room. Please don't blame him, Shania. He only kissed ya because he loves ya."

"I know." Shy covered her face with her hands. "I am just speechless. My brain won't let any of it make sense." Shy felt Joe walk closer to her and hug her. "I know he means well, but I am losing my mind over it all."

"I understand. Don't you like him?"

"Yes!" This was the first time she said it out loud. "I'm just terribly confused."

Joe smiled. "If you both feel the same way then let him in. Don't keep pushing him away. I've seen Johnny at his best and his worst, don't let this be his worst again."

"I don't want him to feel bad. I just need time to let everything sink in. Next time you see him please tell him that I need some time to get used to everything and tell him that I do like him, I just can't date him right now."

"Alright, darl."

"Thank you, Mr Perry."

"No problem."

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