Unchained Melody (59)

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When the show was over everyone went their separate ways. Most of the boys poured themselves a celebratory glass of wine, but Shy wasn't in the mood for alcohol so she helped herself to another RedBull out of her fridge instead. Tommy went live on Instagram, like he usually did and the others just chilled and cleaned away their stuff. The band only had a few hours to chill before they had to bundle themselves back onto the tour bus for a night of driving.

As Shania packed her guitars away and finished her Redbull, Johnny knocked on her dressing room door. He poked his head into the room and looked around the room from left to right and when his eyes landed on her he grinned. "May I come in?" Shania smiled back and nodded. Johnny walked in and closed the door behind him. He kneeled on the floor beside where Shy was sat as she stuffed her guitars away into their case. "Hey..." Johnny said first of all.

"Hi." Shy's butterflys were back and her whole body was still tingling from their song earlier. Shy didn't give Johnny any eye contact and kept putting her stuff away.

"Look... about the kiss..."

"Yes?" Leah's heart skipped a beat.

"I liked it."

Shy managed to let out a sharp breath. "Thank fucking god!" She thought. She didn't want to make it obvious that she was happy, so she just replied with, "Ok... so did I." Shy couldn't help but grin.

"So I just wanted to come by and tell you that..."

"Good. I guess I'll see you on the tour bus?" Shy was too stunned to speak. Everything came out of her mouth like word vomit.

"Y-yeah. Erm... Shania, do you want to kiss again?"

Shy was shocked. Her mouth felt instantly dry and she coughed a little. "Erm yeahhh." Shy was being coy. She kept smiling, giggling, saying all kinds of things in a cute way. She kept touching her hair and dodged Johnny's eye contact.

"Right now? Are you ready?"

"I suppose so." 

Johnny leaned in straight away. He had no time to waste. As soon as his lips brushed up against Shy's fireworks went off in his head. There was an instant spark and the tension was unbelievably romantic. Johnny's right hand rested on Shy's waist, but Shy kept her hands by her side. Shy broke away after a few seconds and spoke to Johnny in a whisper, "Let's keep this a secret. Nobody can know about us yet. If anybody asks then say we are just friends. Please, Johnny." Johnny didn't reply. He just moved his face towards hers and continued to kiss her soft lips. Johnny wasn't going to let this go. He was never going to let Shania down again or do anything to screw this up. The kiss lasted, in all honesty, too long. They spent many minutes innocently kissing, there was no French kissing, no inappropriate touching, nothing scandalous, just two love birds kissing cutely in a music venue in secret. It was like a Hollywood love story and they were living in it.

After minutes of kisses Shania pulled away. "Johnny, we better stop and get everything packed up. Won't the boys be looking for you?" Their mouths were only an inch away from each other. Johnny was dying for another kiss, but he didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.

"I suppose." Johnny leaned back and fully separated himself for Shania. "You're right and besides we shouldn't waste the kisses all in one day, right?"

"Yes. We need to save them for as long as possible."

Johnny smiled at her. He then stood back up, but grabbed Shania's hand as he did so and kissed it. "I'm in love with you." Instead of actually saying it out loud he actually said it inside of his head. In reality he just kissed her hand and stared at her.

"Are you ok?"

"Erm yeah. I better go and check on the boys. See you on the tour bus in a while, Shy."

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