Boys Don't Cry (45)

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Wednesday - 5 days until tour starts.

Johnny was left with nothing to do now he was temporarily removed from the band. He stayed at the hotel so he could at least be near to the studio in case Alice changed his mind. He knew that being at home wouldn't help him because he thought about Shy at home more than he did at any other place. He kept thinking about her all of the time regardless of where he was now. It felt like when you were a kid and your parents told you not to do something, which only makes you want to do it more. Johnny made sure he was awake at 8am so he could stand on the balcony and look out at the other boys leaving the hotel to go to the studio. Nobody looked up at him or waved goodbye which only made him feel more like shit than he already did. Shy was nowhere to be seen, obviously. He did hope she'd pay him a visit to at least make herself feel better, but she never came. After 15 minutes of staring at the roads below his balcony, he went inside again and closed the curtains. John took his tight jeans off and rolled around in bed again. He felt like a hungover teenage boy who'd locked himself in his bedroom because he was angsty. Sean and Malcolm weren't around because they didn't need to be so they stayed next door in their hotel rooms. John really wanted to text Shy, but he couldn't bring himself to press send so he just kept erasing the texts. The last he heard of her was from the vampire group chat last night when she told the boys she got home safe. Johnny was the only vampire who didn't reply to the message.

At around 10am, Johnny got out of bed and used the bathroom. He then walked back to bed and sat down. "Should a read a book?" He thought, but then he couldn't be bothered to walk across the room and grab his book from the TV stand so he scrapped that idea. "Should I order some breakfast?" He thought, but then he felt like because it was 10am he'd have to order brunch and he wasn't in the mood for brunch. Then he remembered that he and Shy went to the pub and got lunch with Shy ages ago. They both had burgers. Now he wanted a burger, but he couldn't be bothered to go to the pub just for a burger alone. "Maybe I should just grow up and text her... but then I'll interrupt rehearsals and that won't do anyone any good. I should wait until at least 11:30 before texting any of the band so I don't ruin anything." Johnny stared around the hotel room, he didn't know what to do with himself. 

Johnny got out of bed  and pulled his jeans on again. He then walked into the spare room that Shy slept in last week and opened the door. The room was as empty and quiet as to be expected. It was just an empty bedroom with a double bed, a large window, a wardrobe area, and an en-suit bathroom. It all looked quite grand and fancy, but that was because it was a fancy hotel. Johnny sat on the spare the bed and looked around at where Shy slept last week. "I miss you, babe." Johnny said out loud. Johnny leaned his head back, exposing his neck, and stared up at the ceiling again. "Fucking god or whatever, our father in Heaven and stuff, please let Shania Havoc fall in love with me. Please allow it, god. I need her. I know I'm not faithful to the bible or anything, but if you let me love Shy then I'll do whatever I can to redeem my sins. Amen." Johnny tried to pull himself together, "Who am I kidding? God isn't real and even if he is he doesn't love me. If god loved me he wouldn't have let all the shit I've gone though happen in the first place. Shaniaaaaaaaa, I love youuuuuuu. I don't careeeeee who hears me shout ittttttt." 

Johnny leaned back and laid across the spare bed. Johnny wasn't a tall man so he easily fitted across the bed. "I love you, Shy. Come home to me. Please. God please. Just let her name flash up on my phone one more time so I know she's thinking of me. Please god, let her show me a sign...."


Meanwhile at Hot Money Studios, Shy and the boys were busy rehearsing and actually recording the audio for an album.

"That's great, Shania. I liked how you changed the ending of 'Heroes' slightly to fit your vibe.  John would love it." Alice said.

"Yeah, I guess..."

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