Oh My God (56)

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The little dressing room was pretty big, actually. It was probably even bigger than Shy's fathers room backstage at the O2 in London. The room had literally anything anyone could ever need or want. There was a mini fridge with snacks and drinks in it, just like on the tour bus. There was a little sofa for Shy or anyone else to sit on. There was a vanity table with a mirror so Shy could do her make up there before the show starts tomorrow evening. There was loads of storage places for her to keep her guitar and spare clothes and there was lots of floor space for her to walk around in.

As Shy looked around her room, Johnny left his dressing room and walked towards Shy's room. He heard Alice speaking to her a few minutes ago so he knew she'd come back after running away. Johnny didn't bother knocking so he slowly opened the door just enough so he could poke his head through it. He saw Shy pacing around and smiling at herself in her mirror.

"Wow, if this is my room, I wonder what type of rooms Alice, Joe and Johnny have..." Shy said out loud, not knowing that Johnny was spying on her from the crack in the door.

"Mine isn't as cool as this one, trust me." Johnny replied which made Shy jump out of her skin.

Shy turned around and gasped. She clutched her chest (where her heart was) and and laughed. "Jesus, don't surprise me like that..." She joked.

"Sorry. May I come in or does me coming in make you feel uncomfortable?"

"You can come in."

Johnny slowly opened the door all the way and stepped inside. He left the door opened and he took took a few steps towards her, but he didn't let himself get too close to her.

"Why did you run away earlier?"

"I felt very scared all of a sudden when we all walked out onto the stage. I panicked and ran."

"Don't feel nervous. You've rocked hard at all of the rehearsals and you did even better when I wasn't even there, not to mention, how great you did at the 02."

"Buck said all of that to me earlier. It doesn't help..."

"Aw, Shania. It's ok." Johnny walked towards her and hugged her. He was careful where to put his hands on Shy's body and chose to only put his hands on middle of her back even though he really wanted to hold her closer to him. As they hugged, and Johnny had his back to the door, Sean walked past, probably looking for Johnny, and barged into the room, breaking them up from the hug.

"Oi, Johnny, man, get off her!" Sean didn't meant to accuse Johnny of anything, he just didn't want his friend to overstep the mark and upset anyone even if Shy was ok with the hug happening. Sean pulled the back of Johnny jacket and yanked Johnny away and towards the door.

"Sean, all I was doing was hugging her! She needed comforting!"

Sean let go of Johnny and stopped dragging him around. "I was only trying to help!"

"I don't need your help and neither does Shy. We are friends and I was just giving her a FREINDLY hug!" Johnny shouted at him. "Go away, Sean, until I give you an instruction later!"

"Alright, man." Sean walked off in a huff after getting told off by Johnny when he was trying to do a good thing.

Johnny took his jacket off and brushed his hair out of his face using his hands. "I better go... bye Shania." Johnny wondered off, probably to shout at Sean again so Shy closed her door and tried to forget about what just happened...


That evening

Some of the band went out for dinner together. Shania, Johnny and Tommy didn't really feel like joining the others so they ate hotel room service for dinner in their rooms instead.

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