No More Mr Nice Guy (42)

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Tuesday's rehearsals went well enough. Johnny kept missing some occasional chords while he played guitar because his mind kept getting occupied with Shy. Everything Shy did, Johnny watched. Maybe Joe was right, maybe he should just kiss her when he has the chance.

When it was lunch, a few of the boys went out to grab snacks which left Shy, Johnny, and Joe at the studio alone. Johnny went for a pee during this time and on his way back from the toilet, he walked past the fire alarm. The alarm was a red button protected by a plastic covering so nobody accidentally pressed it. Johnny looked both ways and lifted the plastic covering and caressed the button with his finger. He didn't want to press it, but if he did, he could get Shy alone so he could kiss her. Johnny got his thoughts in order and then pressed it. Once he pressed it he quickly walked back to the studio and by the time the button sounded an alarm he was already opening the door to the studio.

Shy and Joe looked at Johnny then at the speakers on the ceiling where the alarm was coming from. "What the fuck, man!" Joe stood up and grabbed his favourite guitar just in case the fire was real. "I'll take this outside and call the others." Johnny didn't move, Shy worried that something might have been wrong with him or that he was so surprised he froze in shock. She stood up and hugged him. "Johnny, we need to get out. We'll die if this place burns down with us inside." She tried to push him out the door and into the corridor, but he wouldn't. "Johnny, please, let's go."

"No, stay here with me." Johnny walked the other way and sat down where Joe was sat. "Sit here." Johnny dragged Shy's stool and moved towards him. The alarm became louder and louder.

"Johnny, there is a freaking fire. Let's go now!"

"No, sit down." Shy did as he said even though she was scared. "I love you."

"Johnny, we need to get out! I know that you love me, but please let's go!"

"No, I love you..." Johnny leaned forward and touched lips with Shy. As soon as Shy felt Johnny's lips on hers she pushed him back. Although, she did let his lips linger on hers just because she liked it.

"Johnny, what the fuck are you doing? There is a fucking fire and you are kissing me!" Shy stood up, grabbed Johnny's signature guitar and marched outside with it.

Johnny sat still on his stool. He was absolutely pissed off at Shy. There wasn't even a real fire and she fucking rejected him. Johnny stood up and walked outside and by this time, everyone else had already came back.

"Johnny, man. What the fuck? There is a fire and you are just stood in there trying to make a move on Shania!" Alice shouted at him. "What's fucking wrong with you?"

"Don't fucking shout at me, Alice. I was only doing what I thought was best. There is no fucking fire. I turned the alarm on in hopes Shania and I could have some time alone  to kiss in there while all of you came out here. Joe told me that if we had some alone time to kiss she'd love me back."

Shy was in tears. She stood between Tommy and Chris. "Johnny, that's so fucking embarrassing. Leave me alone!" Shy walked into the carpark and unlocked her car which was still there from yesterday. She didn't drive it, but she sat in it and cried.

"Man, that's so uncool." Buck said. "What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking of Shy... I only think of Shy these days."

"Dude, when the fire men arrive you better own up and tell them that you pressed the alarm on purpose."

Johnny was honestly in shock over Shy swearing at him and shouting at him. "I will."

"Good. I'm going to check on Shania before she drives away and quits the band." Tommy said, Alice followed him. They both walked up to Shy's car and knocked on her passenger window. Shy unlocked the car and Alice and Tommy jumped in. Alice sat in the passenger seat and Tommy sat in the middle of the back seat. "Dude, Johnny is a crazy man these days. I think the touring from a couple months ago went to his head."

"Yeah, maybe." She said in tears. "I don't know what to do...."

"Us neither." Alice added, "We'll sort something out, ok? We will make sure Johnny behaves better and we'll be reporting him to human resources..."

"What does that mean?"

"He'll get removed from the band for a temporary amount of time until we find that he's learned his lesson..."

"He'll hate me if you do that. Can't we all just forget about it. I'll go... I leave the band before the tour even starts... you guys need Johnny."

"Don't say that, Shy. We need you just as much as we need him." Tommy added.

"Will he get arrested?"

"Let's hope not. Just let us sort everything out. Why don't you go home for the day and come back tomorrow. I'll call you later, ok?" Alice asked her.

"Ok, can I go in and grab my guitars?"

"No, we'll look after them over night."

"Ok, Mr Cooper."

Alice and Tommy got out of the car and walked back over to the others who were still waiting outside.

"Shy is going home for today." Johnny didn't say anything. "And Johnny, you're getting reported to HR. You can't do shit like this."


Eventually the fire department arrived, but they quickly noticed that there was no smoke. One of them got out of the fire truck and walked over to the band. "Where's the fire?"

"There isn't one. Johnny Depp set the alarm off falsely." Alice exclaimed.

"Is this true, Mr Depp?"


"Alright, sir. Let us go and double check the building and then we'll have to call the police."

Johnny nodded and watched as the firemen checked out the building.

A police car arrived within 10 minutes and asked the men what happened.

"Well it was lunch so most of us went out to the local store to buy food. We left Joe, Johnny and Shania here and while we were gone, Johnny sounded the alarm." Alice explained.

"And you're Johnny?" The police man asked Johnny.

"Yeah, I am."

"Mr Depp, for messing with a fire alarm we will have to arrest you, but you probably won't have to stay the night in jail."

"Yes, sir."

"Mr Depp, you do not have to say anything, but if you do it may harm your defence. If you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say will be given in evidence. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

Johnny turned around and got put in handcuffs and walked to the police car.

"What are we going to do now?" Buck asked.

"We should probably go back to the hotel when they allow us to go."


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