I Hate U I Love U (43)

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"Hello, Shania?" Alice called Shy from his hotel room. "I just called to tell you that Johnny has been arrested and taken to the police station."

"Oh..." Shy was still really shaken up and emotional. "Is he ok?"

"I think so. Apparently he won't be put into prison or anything, but he'll need to do a formal interview with a cop in the meantime."


"Have you told your father?"

"Nope. He just asked why I came home from rehearsals so early so I told him that an issue came up so that's why it ended early."

"Ok. Do you want me to have Johnny call you later?"

"I don't know. I think I just need some space for now."

"Alright. Speak soon."

"Yeah. Bye, Mr Cooper."


"Ok, Mr Depp. Can you give me some personal details first of all?" The police man asked. He was the same police man as the man that arrested him earlier outside of the studio.

"Yes, sir."

"What is your full name?"

"John Christopher Depp II."

"Alright and your date of birth?"

"June 9th 1963."

"Ok and you hold American citizenship?"

"Yes, sir."

"Ok. So all I need to know is what happened today. I already have a copy of the CCTV from the studio, but I need to know your side of the story."

"Ok. Myself and Shania Havoc were driven to the studio from my place this morning by my security guards Sean and Malcolm. They dropped us off and helped us bring our guitars in. They left us and myself and Shy unpacked our stuff in the studio. She ended up giving me her guitar pick because I forgot mine at home. Erm... another band member named Buck asked Shy how she was and then he asked me why I wasn't at the local hotel last night. I stupidly told him that I was with Shy and he asked her about if we were, ya'know, dating and stuff which she denied. I then got defensive for no reason and shouted at my friend, Buck. Shy defended him and asked me to step outside then while I was-"

"Sir, this guy, Buck... would you say you and him are close?"

Johnny found this irrelevant. "I suppose so. We are in a band together so yeah."

"Ok. Carry on..."

"I went outside and had a smoke. While I was outside I started thinking out loud about my feelings for Shy and while I ranted to myself, my other bandmate and friend, Joe, stopped by and asked me about how I felt about Shy. He already knew how I felt, but I told him how much I loved her anyway and he told me that I should just hurry up and kiss her. From there we went indoors again and during rehearsals I kept staring at Shania and at lunch I decided that would be the time I kissed her, but it all backfired."

"How so?"

"I went to the bathroom and then on my way back to the studio, I walked past the fire alarm. I saw it and knew that the only way I could get her alone would be if I turned the alarm on. I know I was being crazy and stupid but I was desperate. I thought she'd kiss me back but she didn't... Anyway, I pressed it and walked back into the studio, the alarm turned on and Joe left. I tried to get Shy to kiss me, but she pushed me away and shouted. I got upset and followed her outside. Then  I admitted to everyone that I turned on the alarm on purpose to get close to Shy in private then she ran away and probably left the band because of me. That's it."

"Do you understand how serious setting off fire alarm incorrectly is?"

"Yes, sir."

"And how much government money you've wasted not to mention how you've wasted the fire departments time when they could have been helping somebody else who really needed them?"

"Yes, Officer. Am I getting sent to jail?"

"No, but you'll be fined money for your crime and if you do it again you will have more serious consequences."

"Yes, sir."

"Good. For now you will be taken to a cell and be given a pay phone in case you need to contact anyone for the time being. Then we will release you. We'll send a letter to your address with details eventually."

"Yes, sir."


Johnny was then escorted to a cell. In that cell he decided who he was going to call. He probably needed to call Sean, but he much rather wanted to call Shy. He dialled her number and prayed that she'd answer.

"Hello?" She seemed quite sad.

"Shy, it's me. Please don't hang up on me."

"What do you want?"

"I love you, Shy. I never meant to cause all of these bad things to happen. I took Joe too literally when he told me to kiss you the next time I could. The only way I could get us alone at the studio was if I did something crazy. I never meant to scare anyone. Please forgive me."

"I think we should spend some time apart."

"Shy, please..."

"Don't contact me for the time being. Our relationship is going to remain professional." Shy started to cry. "I'm sorry, but it has to be this way. Alice told me that he is going to have you removed from the band temporarily. I told him not to, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm so sorry, Johnny."

"You think I care about the band more than you?"

"Yeah. You've always wanted to be a rockstar. Don't let me take that away from you, Mr Depp."

"Don't you dare call me, Mr Depp. I am Johnny, your Johnny."

"I'm sorry, Mr Depp, but I can't call you Johnny anymore. Please don't call me. I guess I'll see at rehearsals. You should probably grass me up to the cops and tell them that I touched you inappropriately-"

"Shania, don't you fucking dare say-"

"Please don't swear at me, Mr Depp. Anyway, I better go. Bye." Shy hung up on him, she was sobbing. She felt just as bad as she did when Johnny told her he liked somebody else.

Johnny cried as well once Shy hung up on him. After half an hour he was released and he sent Sean a text asking him to collect Johnny.

When Johnny finally got back to the hotel he cried alone in his room. He didn't want to eat lunch or dinner or speak to Alice and the other boys. He just hoped Shy was ok and her dad wasn't too hard on her if he knew.


After hours of crying, Shania went downstairs for some dinner. Wayne could tell that Shy had been crying because her eyes were red and puffy. They sat down at the table and started eating.

"You've been crying?"

"Huh? No."

"I heard you... and your eyes are red."


"Have you been thrown out of the band because your not good enough for the Vampires?"

"No... Johnny did something quite odd today so that's why our rehearsals finished earlier than normal."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"He erm.... turned on the fire alarm for no reason and tried to kiss me"


"Johnny kissed me. I pushed him away though, daddy-"

"He did what?"

"He kiss me..."

"That idiot. Where the hell is he?!" Wayne wasn't very happy. "Where is he?"

"I don't know. Maybe at home or at the hotel."

"Drive me to that stupid hotel and I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

"But what about dinner?"

"I don't care. Let's go!"

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