Heroes (2)

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Wayne let Shy spend some time in his dressing room before tonight's show. Shania never thought much of her dads friends until today. She supposed that not seeing any of them for 7 years made her forget about them all until this very moment. Part of Shania wanted one of the boys to pop in and visit her while she hung out in her dads dressing room, but she knew the Vampire's would be way too busy to do that considering they'd be performing in a couple hours time.

The dressing room was kind of small, but definitely big enough for her to lounge around it. It was a 18 foot by 12 foot room which was fine. There was a sofa by the door, a dressing table with two large mirrors next to each other, a small bathroom to use with only a toilet and sink in it and a coffee table with some chocolate and biscuits on it for snacks. Shy couldn't help but eat 90% of the biscuits and chocolate in the first 15 minutes she was in the room so there wasn't much left for her dad to enjoy. Shy could hear men walking back and forth outside, some men sounded similar to Joe, Tommy, Alice and Johnny, but mostly the voices weren't clear enough for her to recognize. 

Her father left his guitars on the floor of the dressing room so while she was free to do whatever she liked she grabbed his acoustic guitar and propped it up on her lap. She laid it across her lap and strummed a couple cords until she thought of a song to strunm to. While Shy was in the zone with her song she heard a faint knock on the door. The person then pushed the door open slightly and popped their head through the small gap, it was Sean, Johnny's body guard. "Ma'am, Mr Depp wants to see you for a chat."

Shy's face went from pale to bright red in a millisecond. "Of course, sir. Why does he want to see me?" She laid the guitar on the sofa and stood up.

"He didn't say why. Just for a chat as far as I am aware." Sean opened the door for her and led her on the stage.

Johnny Depp was sat towards the back of the stage. He was fiddling with some cables and some light switches. "Mr Depp, I brought Miss Havoc to see you."

"Great. Hey, Little Havoc."


Sean walked away and walked off the stage. Johnny laid his signature guitar down on the floor and stood up. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I mean, I could be better but I could also be worse so, yeah..."

"I get it. How did school go? I think the last time I saw you your dad told me you were at boarding school, right?"

"Yes. I left at 16 and went to a community college after that."

"And how did it all go?"

"Great I suppose. Apart from the obvious... I had a few friends which was nice and then I made a few more friends at college. Now I'm sort of just floating around."

"It couldn't have been easy for you and your brother, Ray. How's he?"

"He's ok, I think. None of us like talking about the obvious. It brings up too many emotions."

"That makes sense. You were only 15 after all. Alice told me that you started releasing music too. That's pretty cool. I wish I had that kind of freedom at your age."

"Yeah. It's nothing like what my dad and granddad make, but I like it."

"I'll have to give it a listen sometime. What instruments do you play?"

"I play just guitar and sing. My brother knows guitar and drums but he isn't as good as me. I did some piano and keyboard playing too while at school so I guess I can do that too."

"Nice. You don't need a band, you're your own band. Perhaps sometime you can play for the Vampires." Shy didn't know if Johnny was being serious or not so she just sort of awkwardly giggled along and hoped he was kidding. "I'm being serious, Shania. I bet you could knock em' dead with your skills since you have your dads and grandads rocker DNA."

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