Goodbye My Lover (21)

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"When logic and proportion

Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head...."

As they sang, Johnny and Shania actually looked at each other for the first time so far tonight. Something about this song brought them back together even though they'd both been awkward about each other all this time. They didn't sit close enough to accidentally kiss, but they were close enough to gaze into each others eyes as they sang. The sudden round of applause broke them apart and made them put their guitars down.

"Wow, man." Tommy started, "That's so fucking great to see live, man."

"Tommy's right, man. You two sounded really good." Chris added.

Shania didn't know what to say to anyone except,  "Thanks."

"Damn, we should open up these alcoholic chocolates to celebrate. Shania, do you drink?" Joe asked.


"Alright, you do the honours." Joe passed Shania the box of the chocolates she brought and asked her to take one to start off with. 

Shania picked a milk chocolate with whiskey in it. She'd never had whisky before, but she stuffed the whole chocolate in her mouth anyway. "Hmmm. Interesting taste..."

"What flavour was it?"

"Whisky. Hmm odd flavour."

"Never had it before?"

"Nope..." Shania managed to swallow it all and passed the box to Johnny in case he wanted one to celebrate as well.

"I'm not a big fan of chocolate, but I'll bite the top and suck the booze out of it anyway. Shania passed the box to Johnny and he grabbed one which included Saint James rum. He bit part of the chocolate and drank the insides down. "Hmm, rum! Shy, do you want to have the chocolate part for me?"

Shy quickly noticed that Johnny called her 'Shy' again for the first time in ages. "Sure." As Johnny passed her the chocolate their hands touched slightly, it was like time stopped and everything was in slow motion. She felt his hand on hers and then she glanced up at his face, his eyes were smiling as well as his lips. She glanced back down and took the chocolate from him and smiled at him. She then ate the chocolate and looked back at him, he was still smiling at her. Once that faded Johnny passed the box of chocolates back to Joe. Joe took one and ate it in one go, it had gin inside. Once the chocolates were passed around a few times Shania and a couple of the others got a little too tipsy and sleepy. Shania wasn't very used to drinking so she didn't benefit too much from  the party at this point.

While everyone else was drinking, Alice helped himself to the non alcoholic chocolates. Although Johnny was also tipsy, he did keep his eyes on Shania to make sure she was ok and conscious. Shania was leaning on her arm and her eyes were still open so far which made Johnny feel better. Shania had no idea how long this party would last, but she hoped it's only be another hour or so.

While everyone was drinking and joking around, the group chat got an update about the USA tour. Everyone opened up their phone and saw that the start date of the USA tour would be on the 1st of October 2023. Shania's head was spinning so she quickly checked her phone and then turned it back off again.

"Ooooh, next month, yeah baby!"

As a few of the guys celebrated the tour dates and the tickets being released, Johnny stared at Shania as she slouched on the sofa. Malcolm and Sean were still sober so they took Johnny to the side for a quick chat. They could both see how tired Shania looked and neither 3 of them wanted to see anything bad happen to her if she was to drive home. They both walked over to Johnny and whispered to him, "Should Sean and I take Miss Havoc upstairs?" Malcolm whispered.

"Wait. Let me help her a little too." Johnny walked over to her and rubbed her arm to wake her up a little. She opened her eyes and flashed a large smile at him, she was totally out of it. Johnny grabbed both of her hands and pulled her up. None of the others noticed, so Johnny pulled her along and Malcolm grabbed her too. Sean followed them up the stairs in case she slipped and she needed catching. "Let's put her in the room on the top floor. Nobody else is up there so she's be safe from the drunk men later on." Sean, Malcolm and Johnny helped Shania walk and then laid her down on a double bed on the top floor of the house. 

The room was pretty bare apart from it having a bed, bedside tables and a wardrobe in it. The room was fully white and very shadowy by this time of night. Johnny and Malcolm laid her down on the bed and Sean closed the curtains for her. Johnny put on the bedside lamp just in case she got scared of the dark while being half drunk and then he let the boys leave while he stayed with her. 

Johnny sat on the floor opposite the bed and watched her come in and out of consciousness. She breathed lightly and kept making little snoring noises every so often which made Johnny smile. Shania was laying in a ball with her arms holding onto her knees, like a toddler. "Hmmm..."

"Are you alright?"

"Hmmm yep!!"

"How are you feeling?"

"...Fine..." Shy slurred.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep." She opened her eyes and lifted her head. She stared at Johnny and squinted at him since the only light she had was coming from her bedside table. Johnny moved forwards so she could see him better.

"Are you feeling dizzy at all?"


"Are you feeling unwell? I can get you a vomit bucket if you need it."

"No. I'm just sleepy."

"Alright. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Because..." Johnny needed a sec to think about what he wanted to say. "How's your dad been?"


Johnny checked that the door was shut, "He hasn't hit you again, has he? I was worried earlier that you might not come over if he found out you were coming here to see me, I mean us."

"I didn't tell him. I told him about me joining the tour with you guys, that's it."

"Ok, good. Was he upset that he won't be joining us on tour?"

"I think so. I don't want to talk about my dad though, Mr Depp. He only ever brings bad news to me and I've already had enough bad news to last a lifetime over the past few years."

"Yeah, I understand that... Also, about what happened before-"

"I don't care, Mr Depp. I'm over it."


"Yeah. I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of Mr Malcolm and Mr... erm.."

"Stephan Deuters..."

"Yeah, Mr Deuters and Mr Malcolm. I understand that it couldn't have been easy for you... Am I embarrassing you again in front of the Vamps?"

"No, not at all. You never did. I actually thought I'd embarrassed you in front of Malcolm and Stephan you didn't want to be caught anywhere near an old boomer like me..."

"No, not at all. I erm... better get some rest anyway."

"Yeah, you're on the top floor of the house so don't worry about bumping into the other boys. The bathroom is next door on the left and it's all yours so you can shower or have a bath later." Johnny stood up.

"Alright, good night, Mr Depp."

"Good night, Shy. Do you want me to turn the lamp off for you?"

"No, leave it on, please."

"Alright, goodbye, darl." Johnny left and closed the door.

Love On Tour (A Johnny Depp Love story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin