Snide Remarks From My Father About Your Tattoos (44)

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Shania drove her dad to the hotel that the band was staying at.

"Do you know what room he is in?"

"No, I don't remember."

"Ok, has this fool kissed you before?" Shy didn't reply. "Shy? Has he kissed you before?"

"Erm yes, but it was different...Dad, I don't want to talk about it. Please don't hurt, Johnny."

Shy pulled up outside the hotel and Wayne jumped out of the car and walked outside. Shy parked and followed him into the lobby. Wayne walked up to the front desk in the lobby and shouted at the receptionist. "Listen here, young lady, tell me where Johnny fucking Depp is! Where the fuck is that tattooed chump?"

"Daddy, please don't shout!" Shy begged. Shy turned around to look at the people who were now staring at her and her father. Most of the blue sofa's in the lobby were full of people drinking. She looked all around and spotted Sean and Malcolm along with Glen, Alice and Joe. Johnny didn't seem to be there. They seemed concerned, but since they were sat kind of far from Shy and her dad, they couldn't hear what was going on. Shy left her dad at the reception desk and ran over to the boys. "Mr Sean, Mr Malcolm, my dad is very upset with Johnny because I told him about what happened earlier. Please do something..." She cried. Sean and Malcolm stood up and walked over to Wayne. Alice grabbed Shy, hugged her and sat her down with them to try and keep her calm. "Daddy is very upset... I tried to explain, but-"

"Shhh, it's ok, Shania. Sean and Malcolm will sort it out."

"Oh, here you are." Wayne said when Sean and Malcolm approached him. "Where the fuck is your little boss man?"

"Mr Havoc, we understand you're upset, but shouting won't change anything. Mr Depp is in his hotel room currently and he will be having the rest of the week off from rehearsals-"

"So John is getting rewarded with 'having the rest of the week off' when he assaulted my daughter? Shy should be the one having the rest of the week off and if you losers think she's coming on tour with you guys, you've got another thing coming!"

"Sir, we are Johnny Depp's private security guards. We are not involved with the tour. If you care about the tour, speak with the manager and the other vampires... If you hurt our boss, that's our business." Malcolm told him.

"I need to see, Johnny..."

"Then we can take you to him. Follow us, sir." Sean led the way into the elevator and upstairs to Johnny's bedroom.

"What if they have a fight? My dad can get pretty violent if he gets angry enough..."

"John will be ok, don't worry." Alice, Glen and Joe tried to comfort Shy the best they could. "Johnny won't be coming back for the rest of the week for rehearsals so you don't need to worry about running into him."

"Does he hate me?"

"No. He loves you. He told us he called you at the police station, but you shouted at him and hung up."

"I only hung up because he kept swearing at me and shouting.... He told me he loved me, but I told him I couldn't be with him. Why is everything is so hard..?" Shy sobbed.


In Johnny's hotel room, Wayne walked in while Johnny was sat on a chair near the balcony. Johnny stood up and walked over to Wayne.

"Do you want us to stay with you, John?" Malcolm asked.

"No, you two can wait outside."

"Yes, sir."

Sean and Malcolm waited in the hall way while Wayne and Johnny chatted.

"I guess Shy told you what happened..."

"Yeah. What the fuck, John? Why would you kiss her and fucking set a fire alarm off?"

"I don't know... I just wanted to get Shy alone so I could kiss her. I've been crushing on her for quite a long time and now I've screwed it all up."

"Yeah, no kidding. Why would you ever think that you and my daughter had a chance together anyway? You're  a 60 year old man, and she is a 20 year old kid."

"I know, I don't know why I like her as much as I do. I've tried to swallow my feelings down, but they won't leave me. I've kissed her a couple times before, but I just wanted to kiss her again in a real way. I wanted to kiss her and I wanted Shy to kiss me back. I just keep fucking everything up!"

"Mate, she is a kid. Get a grip on yourself and date someone your own age for a change. There must be at least one lady your age that you know who is pretty, right?"

"Yeah, probably, but it isn't that I just find Shania pretty. I find her amazing in everyway. Everything about her is amazing and perfect and magical. The way that she speaks, her smile, her singing voice, her little hands that get sore if she plays guitars for too long. Her little eyes, the way they shine when she smiles, her skin, so soft... I love everything about her in ways I don't even love myself. All I think about is her every single day and I miss her like crazy when I don't see her. I just can't seem to get her on the same page as I am and when I do I mess it up. She's so quiet and calm and nervous about how she feels so when I do the slightest thing it upsets her when it was meant to make her love me more. I just want to kiss her and have her become mine forever, I know it isn't that easy, but I wish it was. Don't you understand how love works, Mr Havoc?"

"I do, but Shy isn't your procession to love. She is just a kid, man. She's my daughter and I have a choice to let you date her or not. I know what's best for my own flesh and blood. Not to mention, look at yourself. You're an old man, you're just sightly younger than me and look how fucked my life has gotten since my wife passed away. How do you think Shy would deal with dating you and then you passing away while she's still so young? She'd lose her little mind. She'd be motherless and husbandless. How about children, either, John? Are you going to have them with her? Have you even though about what dating a 20 year old would be like because I bet you haven't. SHY. IS. A. KID. YOU. ARE. A. GROWN. MAN. GROW. UP. JOHNNY." *Wayne clapped between each word as he said it* "Dude, you're lucky I've calmed down or else it'd be your face splatted on the floor below that balcony. Stay away from my daughter and she will absolutely not be going on tour with you and your  vampire twats!" Wayne then left the hotel room and marched back downstairs to the lobby. Sean and Malcolm came in, but Johnny dismissed them and told them to leave him alone.

Shy saw Sean and Malcolm come back downstairs to the lobby and they watched Wayne leave the hotel.

"I should go with my dad, shouldn't I?"

"Yeah, maybe. Text the group chat and tell us you got home safe, yeah?" Glen told Shy.

"Ok. See you tomorrow at rehearsal." Shy got up and walked past Sean and Malcolm. They seemed sad, but Shy didn't stick around and ask them why. Shy walked outside and saw her dad standing near the locked car. Shy unlocked the car by clicking a button on her car keys and they got in. "Did you speak to Johnny?"


"And what did he say?"

"Just shit. Let's go home."

"Yes, daddy."

Wayne and Shy barely spoke at all for the rest of the night. Shy was too emotional to hold a conversation together and Wayne was too angry to speak rationally...

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