Blackbird (13)

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Shy led Johnny outside into the tiny car park. It was basically a patch of concrete on the ground next door to the pub with a wooden fence all the way around it. It would probably only fit around 6 cars  at once if it was busy. As they walked towards Shy's car, Johnny stopped and stared at it.

"Wait, is this your car?"

"Yeah, don't you like it?"

"No, I love it. You drive an Aston Martin?"

"Yeah, well it's my dads, but he doesn't drive it so he gave it to me. My brother will probably steal it from me one day when he learns how to drive..."

"It's so amazing and it's in great condition. I feel too scared to touch it with my dirty fingers..."

"It's fine. I swear." Shy got into the drivers seat and Johnny got into the passenger seat. The car was only a two seater and could only fit to people in it.

"Wow..." Johnny was even more amazed with the inside as he was with the outside. "I feel like I'm in a space ship."

"I suppose so." Shy started to drive the car. "So where am I taking you?"

"Erm, turned left and I'll direct you the rest of the way."

"Alright." Shy drove out of the car park and turned left. Most of the roads in the countryside were straight lines so it wasn't  hard for Johnny to direct her around.

"Turn right down here..."

After about a 15 minute drive, Johnny told Shy to stop the car and park the car in another little carpark.

"Where are we?"

"It doesn't matter. I have something nice to show you."

"You aren't going to kidnap me, are you?"

Johnny raised an eyebrow, "do you really think I'm capable of kidnapping you, Shy?"

"No, but this does all seem like the start of a horror movie, doesn't it?"

"Maybe, but you know I wouldn't do something like that." Johnny led her out of the car park and across an empty road and then into a little field. 

The weather was really fresh out here, like they were a million miles away from anything. Shy looked forward and saw a giant hill with a little path leading the way up it.

"Johnny, you don't expect us to walk up that after eating all that food do you?"

"It'll be fine, Shy. I'll even hold your hand if you get scared."

Shy stopped in her tracks... "My hand?"

"Yes, see... I'll escort you up." Johnny grabbed Shy's hand and held it in a down facing palm way. She felt butterflies all over her whole body. She felt like she was walking through a sugary rainbow full of love, she hadn't felt this level of tingly ever before and she'd felt love from her ex boyfriends before easily and this didn't even compare to them.

Shy held Johnny's hand tight as they scaled the large hill. Every so often, as they walked further up, Shy would slip slightly but Johnny always made sure to pull her up by her hand so she wouldn't fall in mud.

Once they got to the top after what seemed like half an hours hike, they stood on the uneven ground and looked around over the land around them. There was only green fields as far as the eye could see in all directions. They could see around them for miles, Shy even reckoned she could see the pub they'd just eaten lunch in which was a 15 minute drive away.

"It's beautiful, Jack." She said without thinking. Johnny stood behind her slightly. He was stood behind her looking over her right shoulder as she looked around at the landscape. Johnny leaned his head forward slightly and looked at her soft brown hair. It was a little bit windswept by now, but still nice enough.  He moved even closer to her and breathed. As he inhaled he smelt her faint perfume which was nearly gone in the wind. It smelt sweet, but also woody. Shy felt his breath on her ear and smiled without him noticing.

"You smell nice..."

Shy smiles grew larger. Her grandfather must have been right in what he told her. "Do I?"

"Yes, you smell sweet, but also very strong in a masculine type of way. What smell is that?"

"I don't know. I've had it for years. My mum bought me it for Christmas 2017. Her last Christmas alive..."

Johnny heard alarm bells going off in his head. He grabbed Shy's arms and kept her steady, "I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry. I don't want to upset you by bringing any bad memories up."

Shy touched one of Johnny's hands that were wrapped around her upper arms. "It's ok. It doesn't matter. Do you like the smell?"

"Yes. You smell really nice."

"Thank you." Shy kept staring out at the fields below her. Johnny released his hands from her arms and moved them to her waist. He sort of pretended he was Jack Dawson from Titanic for a second and held her waist close to his body. He slowly moved his hands from her sides to around the front of her body and Shy moved her hands from her side to on top of Johnny's hands.

They both stood in silence for some time before either of them spoke up about anything.

"Johnny, I mean Jack, I mean pffffttt. I don't know, sorry. Anyway, why did you want to show me this place?"

"Because it's pretty. I've come here a few times for a walk since  I moved out to the countryside. I only live a couple miles away so I come here a lot. I just thought that you might like to see it because from down there it doesn't seem as cool as it does when you are on top of it."

"No, I agree. It's lovely up here, just a little chilly."

"Yeah, a little. Would you like to take my coat? I know you're only wearing a denim jacket..."

"No, I'm fine."

"I live down there, can you see it?" Johnny pointed to the left. It was a large cottage which was partly hidden from their view by lots of tall trees that looked like giant Christmas trees. "I can take you home if you like. Just so you can see my new house, if you feel comfortable doing so, that is?"

"That's fine." Shy actually didn't know what to say.

"Alright, let's go down the way we came." Johnny grabbed Shy's hand again without warning and helped her get down. Climbing down was quite a lot harder than climbing up because the dirt path was wet and slippery so they both sort of slid down  rather than climbed down.

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