Chapter 15 - Signal

Start from the beginning

"What? Why?" (Y/N) just finished those cognitive tests and saw that Cheng clearly needed to heal still. "You should be sitting down as well."

"I've had worse than this. I can handle it." She spoke in her flat tone, hoisting her shotgun over her shoulder, and proceeding to leave out the same way the others went.

       Both nurses met each other's confused eyes but didn't make a move to stop her. Only Wes moved to speak up. "Don't do anything rash, Dan."

"I should be saying that to you." She called back, hopping down from the truck to go join the rest of the team.

       Wes could tell both nurses didn't think the decision was wise. They were still new to the team after all. "She's always like that. Don't worry."

"What part of a severe concussion does that lady not understand?" Dell muttered as she went back to relaxing in her seat.

       (Y/N) decided to get up as well. She climbed toward the back of the truck and looked out the opened back doors to see a view of the trees alongside the mountain road. The asphalt road was still wet from the rain as so was the air that carried the scent. In the distance, she could make out the tops of the mountains that poked through the cloudy sky above. It would've been a nice sight to see if things weren't the way they were.

"Let's do the radio again. See if the station is back online." She heard Rose order.

      (Y/N) did overhear a couple of soldiers mentioning the station the facility used had gone radio silent. They weren't certain why and weren't quick on assuming the bad what-ifs. They just simply hoped to try contacting again and get a response this time.

      But after seeing that crashed military truck, the nurse didn't have as much hope.

       As she took a seat on the bumper, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to see Drake return. He shoved his pistol back into its holster and saw that she wasn't where he told her to be. "Why aren't you in the truck?"

"It's stuffy in there." She replied as she traveled her eyes over the mountain view. Technically she didn't leave the truck. She chose to sit on the bumper.

       Drake didn't feel like debating it with her and pulled out a map he had recovered from the gas station. The GPS had stopped working once the wi-fi went down so a physical map was the next best thing.

      (Y/N) took a couple of peeks at the map as he laid it out next to her and found where they currently were on it.

"You familiar with this area?" He asked her as he used a pen from his pocket to mark the map.

"Um... sort of." Her tone sounded uncertain as she looked around the map but also dodgy as well. She hasn't traveled this way in years...

"Sort of as in yes or no?" Drake asked again, catching the way she rolled her eyes before nodding a 'yes'.

       Neither Drake nor his team were from around these mountains. They all were from different places around the country. Which made traversing these roads more difficult for them. He kept his eyes on the map as he marked the road that was taken from the hospital to here. "Do you know of any places where the reception is clear?"

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