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I invited both Stevanna and Joseph over for lunch.
Stevanna eventually showed up at the door. I didn't tell her Joseph was coming over so I was praying that she wouldn't hate me afterwards.

"Hey Aunt Janet" she said wrapping her arm around me.

"Heyy" I said hugging her back.

"Is it ok if you can call me anything else but Aunt Janet. It's kinda weird"

"Ok what do you want me to call you? Because I'm not calling you mom, you need to earn that tittle first" she said.

"Wow" I giggled nodding my head out of shock. "How about you just call me Janet"

"Ok that works with me"

I let Stevanna into the house and led her to the table. "Hey Uncle Christopher" Stevanna gave him a hug before sitting down.

"So what's for lunch" she asked as I sat next to her.

"Christopher and I made some—"

Before I could finish my sentence the door bell ring. "I'll get that" Christopher said before leaving us.

"Who is that Janet?"

"Don't be mad at me Stevanna" I said looking at her to my right.

"Is it his crazy mother" she asked referring to Christopher's mom.

"No, it's Joseph" I said watching her face change.

She frowned her face before sitting back into her chair. "What are you trying to do" she asked me.

"Trust me on this" I said as Joseph walked in besides Christopher.

Joseph stopped his walk to stare at Stevanna.

"Please sit down, we are a family. You two don't even say hi anymore" I whined.

"Hi Joseph" Stevanna said looking at me.

"Hi Stevanna" he sat across from her. "What is this about" he asked as Christopher sat next to him.

"Joseph I want to start off by apologizing—" Stevanna cut me off. "Apologize!?"

I reached my arm out in front of her. "Please let me finish" I said watching her get red.

"Joseph I'm sorry I blew up on you before. I'm now understanding why you did what you did. Putting Stevanna up for adoption was a sacrifice you made for the family. If it wasn't for your sacrifice I wouldn't have the money and success that I have today. I wasn't ready to raise her and neither was James. Joseph I thank you for what you did" I said watching him nod his head at me.

"I'm happy to hear that I accept your apology" he said. I could tell he was holding back his tears as his eyes got glossy.

"But at the same time we need to move on. I want to love Stevanna like she's my daughter Joseph." I took Stevanna's hand from in her lap putting it into mine under the table.

"Ok" he said.

"I understand what you did for this family was important and because of that I will keep this family's secret a secret.  At the same time I won't let that secret ruin our relationship" I could feel Stevanna's grip get tighter around my hand.

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