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"Annnd we're here" Christopher said as he drove through the gates.

He eventually parked in Randy's driveway before coming around to open my door. Randy invited all of the siblings, nieces and nephews over for a family cookout.

Of course everyone but Michael could make it. He's so busy right now he can barley answer his phone. But my mother got Paris, Prince and Blanket.

Christopher and I were planning on telling my family about the pregnancy that day. I was starting to show just a little bit. So I wore a cardigan to hide my belly.

"Heyy Family" I yelled as Christopher and I walked into the backyard full of family.

Randy lifted his head up from the grill to the sound of my voice before his face lit up. "Heyy Janet!" Randy said as he ran over to me.

"DUNK IS HERE" I could hear Jermaines voice.

"Hey Christopher how are you" Randy spoke to Christopher after giving me a hug.

The family greeted us and I couldn't stop smiling seeing everyone together. My nieces and nephews from every sibling ran around that backyard playing games.

While the brothers sat with their wives and my sisters sat down chatting. "Hey Rebbie where's mother" I asked her.

"She's inside she said it's too hot out here" she replied.

"Come on baby, let's see mother" I said grabbing Christopher's hand.

Christopher opened the sliding doors letting me go in first. Before I could even step foot I heard my mothers voice. "Aww is that my baby!"

She came from around the corner smiling with a baking pan in her two hands. I wrapped my arms around her before taking the pan from her.

"Hi mom, we missed you" Christopher said coming from behind me. "Come here giving me a hug, Christopher"

My mother loves Christopher. They are so cute, she tells me all the time he's her favorite son-in-law. I swear it's because she has a crush on him.

"Mother that's enough" I said as she held him a little too long. Christopher began to laugh as she let him go.

"I'm sorry, I barley see you two" she said giving me a attitude. "It's ok mom, what were you about to bake" he asked her.

"I was about to make cornbread"

"Mmhhmm that's my favorite" he said rubbing his stomach.

"Are you two hungry" she asked.

"No but before we eat we have to make an announcement" I said.

"Your pregnant" she bluffed.

"What- No mother" I lied to her.

"Ok, now I'm curious go get ya siblings so I can hear this" she said before leaving me and Christopher.

"Great, lie to her" he whispered to me once she was gone.

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