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"I'm so tired right now, I'm getting too old for this shit" Al said while sitting in the moving truck.

"Come on at least help me get this couch in. Then we can take a break" I said holding my hands on my hips.

"A break nah after this I'm done for the day" he said before jumping down.

I shook my head before getting ready to lift the couch. He grabbed one end while I grabbed the other.  Her red velvet couch was heavier than it looked. I could feel my lower back straining as Al struggled to get it through the door.

"To the left Al!" He did the opposite of what I said and went to his right. "Your left!"

He finally got it right and helped me get the big ass couch through the front door. Once we got it inside I dropped the couch immediately before stretching my back.

"What was that!?" My mother came running from inside the house. "Did y'all drop my couch?" She pushed past me to look at her couch.

"Yeah ma, we need a break" I said between catching my breath. "Im tired" I said before plopping onto the couch.

"Ok do you boys need some water" she asked us.

"Yes please" Al said before stretching.

She eventually left us for a brief moment before coming back with two glasses of ice cold water. She sat next to me while Al stood chugging his water.

"You guys did a lot today. Thank you" she said as the two of us took our water to the head.

"So how's my granddaughter" she asked me.

"She's growing so fast" I said smiling thinking about Story.

She raised a eyebrow. "And my daughter-in-law?"

"She's good ma" I said before taking a sip of my water.

"Christopher remember how she was keeping secrets? I got one of my own" she said.

Al slowly lifted his head up to me with a surprised look on his face. I enjoyed my last sip of cool water before lifting my head up.

"Ma what are you talking about?" I thought she forgot about that.

I looked between her and Al as I sighed. "Ma what's your secret?"

"I have a boyfriend and he's moving in with me"

Al and I simultaneously looked at each other. He had a smile on his face but I couldn't say the same for me.

"Your still dating at your age" I asked.

"What's wrong with my age?"

"Nothing Ma" I chuckled with Al.

"Why isn't he here helping us with the furniture" Al asked. "That's a damn good question" I said backing him up.

"People my age don't move furniture" she said being smart. "It would hurt his back"

I sucked my teeth. "What's his name?"

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