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"Hey Ma" I said while giving her a warm hug.

She wrapped her arms around me tight. "Hey baby, Hi Story" she went straight to the baby.

Story was in her car seat. I was dropping her off with my mother while Janet was gone. Story was knocked out in that car seat drooling.

"She just fell asleep. She usually sleeps around this time" I said handing her Story's bag.

"So what do you have planned today" she asked me.

"I'm going to the club later with Al. He knows the dj so we're getting in for free"

"Ohhh ok and what is Janet up too?" She squinted her eyes at me after mentioning Janet.

"She's handling business" I said before clearing my throat.

I watched as she shook her head leaning on the couch. "Your lying, I knew something was up when you told me she was keeping secrets. Now your keeping secrets from me" she said.

"Ma it's personal to Janet"

"No what you do in y'all bedroom, that's personal. When I have to babysit on her behalf because she wants to hide shit. No, no I deserve to know. Especially coming from my son, that I birthed"

I rolled my eyes licking my teeth. "Fine Ma I'll tell you" I spat out. "Janet had a kid with her first husband in the 80's. Jospeh forced her to adopt the child to Randy. Randy raised her and now the girl has resentment towards Janet. Which brings us to today Janet is trying resolve they're relationship"

Her jaw was on the floor as she gave me blink stare. I sighed shaking my head. "Don't tell anybody, this is supposed to stay between the Jackson family Ma" I said holding her shoulders.

She slowly glared me from my head to toe. "She hid that from you, for all of those years"

"She hid it from everybody Ma, not just me"

"No if she can hide that from you. What else is she hiding" she said pushing my hands off of her.

She slowly walked away with a distort look on her face. "Ma you can't mention this no one" I said.

"Yeah I won't" she chuckled.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing Christopher go get ready for your club tonight" she said.

I could tell something was off with her. She wouldn't even look at me. I watched as she began to unbuckle Story out of her seat. She picked up Story before sitting on the couch with her in her arms.

"Go Christopher me and the baby will be fine" she said looking at the baby.

"What's the matter Ma, you won't look at me?"

"I'm disappointed" she said still looking at Story.

"In who? Me or Janet?"

"The both of you" she said looking up at me with a sorrow look on her face.

"I love Janet and Ima stick beside her" I said stern. "This is why I didn't want to tell you Ma" I paused looking at Story. "I'm gonna go now, I'll pick up Story tonight" I said before heading for the door.

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