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"Randy! Janet! What the hell are y'all doing here" Eliz asked holding the door wide open with her eyes widened.

"Hey get off of me!" I turned around to see the security holding Randy's arms behind his back.

"Wait Eliz tell them you know us" I screamed at her.

She crossed her arms giving me attitude with her eyes. "Do you know them" the security officer asked her.

"Unfortunately yes, I know them"

"Oh yeah I do too, your Janet Jackson right" the officer asked with in a big smile on his face.

"Yes officer are we off the hook" I asked.

"Yeah but I'm letting you off with a warning. Also can I get a picture" he asked with a big smile.

After the officer let go of Randy I took a picture with him. Eliz let us in her house. It was clean and nicely decorated with warm tones.

"Nice place" I said following her inside.

"Thank you Janet, are you here about Stevanna" she asked holding her hands on her hips.

"Yeah that's my daughter too Eliz" Randy spat out from behind me.

"Do you think I want to be secretive Randy? I'm only doing as Stevanna asked. She trusts me enough to tell me where she is and what's going on with her. She asked me not to tell you guys" she said shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing.

I wanted to ring that bitch by her neck. "STEVANNA" I called for her before walking around the house.

"Janet she's not here" Eliz cried following me.


I felt a nasty itch as Eliz put her hand on my shoulder. It was my natural urge to push her off of me. I swung my arm pushing her hand off of me with all of my might. She held her arm with her jaw dropped as if it had hurt.

"Don't touch me bitch" I said pointing my finger at her.

"Who you calling a bitch!? Bitch your in my house!"

I could feel my blood boil as Randy stepped in between us. Eliz got closer into Randy he was the only thing standing between us. She kept her eyes on me like she was going to do something.

"Hey we're all family here, right? There's no need to get hostile. Let's just talk this over like adults" Randy said holding his arms out between us.

"She's not my family Randy" Eliz said keeping her eyes on me.

"And your not his if your keeping secretes. Eliz Ima ask you one more time where's my daughter!!!"

"Oh now she's your daughter? Huh? That's funny Randy" she said laughing holding her stomach.

"This heifer thinks it's funny" I asked looking at Randy.

He shrugged his shoulders pushing me back as I tried to get closer. "Ouuu wait till I get my hands on this bitch!"

"You Jackson's always want shit to go your way" she said. "Stevanna was born into this weird fucked up family. I raised her and I love her like she was my own."

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