Boruto vs Kawaki

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After dodging Ryuji's attack, Boruto felt an abrupt shift in the environment around him. Before he could react, he was taken off guard by a mirror of ice that appeared out of nowhere. He was pulled into the silvery reflection and, in the blink of an eye, found himself alone in a lush garden within the palace's boundaries.

As he surveyed his new surroundings, Boruto sensed that something was amiss. The garden seemed empty, but an unsettling aura hung in the air. He felt a powerful and mysterious presence lurking in the shadows.

Suddenly, a voice echoed across the garden – You're surprisingly calm.

The young Uzumaki quickly turned around and spotted another young person, roughly his age, seated on the ground.

The young Uzumaki quickly turned around and spotted another young person, roughly his age, seated on the ground

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Boruto: And who are you?

Kawaki smirked ironically upon hearing Boruto's question. He got up from the ground and walked towards the blond boy, observing him with a mixture of nostalgia and sadness.

Boruto: Sorry, but I don't remember ever seeing you. How do you know my name?

Kawaki: Well, I know you better than anyone. Or at least one of your versions from the multiverse. We were friends, once. Until everything changed.

Boruto: Then go find your version, because I don't have time for you.

Kawaki released a sadistic smile and said, 'I was there when Ayato attacked your universe. It was me who blew up Konoha and took Ayato, who killed your younger sister.'

What did you say? - Boruto said with a hateful expression on his face.

Kawaki: Exactly what you heard.

He pulled out his staff that was stuck in the ground - 'and in my universe, I was the one who killed you and the Seventh Hokage.'

You bastard! - Boruto shouted, his entire fist surrounded by golden lightning.

The air around Boruto started to pulse with electric energy as anger ignited within him. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Kawaki quickly turned to Boruto's swift attack with his staff. The collision of the two created a massive shockwave accompanied by an electric pulse, devastating the entire garden in seconds.

You two have a habit of attacking from behind when you're angry - Kawaki said with a smile on his face.

Boruto, his fists surrounded by golden lightning, launched a swift attack against Kawaki. He delivered a series of powerful punches, aiming to hit the young adversary. The strikes were fast and precise, charged with the electric energy surrounding his body.

Kawaki demonstrated exceptional skill in dodging Boruto's attacks. With agile and fluid movements, he evaded the punches and countered with strikes from his staff. Each time the staff clashed with Boruto's fists, electric sparks crackled in the air, showcasing the strength and intensity of the clash.

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