Boruto vs. Ayato, the Battle for the Multiverse

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Note :. Shinachiku has no image because I didn't find one to put


Boruto looked perplexed at Ayato, not fully grasping what was happening. The divine jewel glowed intensely and mysteriously, emitting a powerful aura that seemed to affect the entire surrounding environment.

Ayato: Calm down, Boruto, don't worry. You'll understand everything soon.

Boruto: What's your goal, Ayato? Why did you go to such lengths for this jewel?

Ayato: Ah, little brother, this jewel is much more than it seems. It contains immeasurable power, capable of altering reality itself. It's a source of primal energy, allowing any wish to be fulfilled, no matter how impossible it may seem. I plan to absorb this power and then enter the main timeline to destroy it.

Boruto: If you do that, everyone and everything in the multiverse will be destroyed.

Ayato: Well, so be it. In all these realities, no matter how different they may seem, there will always be conflicts. People killing people, ninjas killing ninjas, even the Gods got into conflicts and destroyed each other.

And just because of that, you plan to destroy, to take everything from everyone? - Boruto shouts.

They took everything from me. My family, my friends, even the woman I loved. They considered me an anomaly and erased me from the memories of everyone I loved. They killed my wife, with my unborn child. How do you expect me to feel, Boruto? - Ayato yells angrily.

Ayato: You can understand me, can't you? After all, I made sure to take everything from you, your sister, your friends, your home. Because, little brother, you and I are the same.

Boruto: You're wrong. We're not the same! I just want to kill you, and that... won't make anyone suffer.

Ayato: As if you care about that.

You're right. I don't care - Boruto says, drawing the sword from his waist and getting into a stance.

Ayato: That's the spirit. Now come on.

Ayato tosses his sword up and draws it, and the two brothers launch themselves, colliding their first blows, causing the entire palace to shake, its roof destroyed, and debris flying away.

The battle between the two brothers was intense and fierce. Each sword strike emitted brilliant sparks that illuminated the chaotic environment. Boruto and Ayato were skilled ninjas, and their movements were fast and precise.

Boruto only remembered the stories told by others about Ayato, but his body and mind seemed to have instinctively absorbed the combat abilities they shared as brothers. He knew he was facing someone experienced, but his determination to protect the multiverse and prevent Ayato from causing more pain and destruction was unwavering.

Ayato: Finally, a worthy challenge. It's a shame you've forgotten our childhood together. It would've been much more fun to see fear in your eyes.

Boruto: Don't underestimate my resolve, Ayato. I'll kill you, no matter the cost!

Boruto: Lightning Style: Thunder Arrow!

Boruto fires a lightning-shaped arrow towards Ayato, who easily dodges and counterattacks with a fireball. Boruto cuts the fireball with his sword but is caught off guard by a kick to the face, sending him flying out of the palace.

Using his Jougan, Boruto teleports back into the hall and, with a burst of speed, delivers a lightning-enveloped strike. Ayato is struck across the chest by Boruto's attack.

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