A Father's Sacrifice

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How will you return? We saw you being erased - Yosuke asks confusedly.

Saruto/Boruko: We don't know.

Boruko: It was like taking a nap; when we realized it, we were in an empty space, and then a strange guy just appeared and said you needed us, so he sent us to this place.

Saruto: That's more or less what she said.

Sanada: Saruto, are you really here?

Saruto: Yes, Sanada, it's me.

Ayato: I see, so you're the ones who vanished along with Ragnar's wish, but how come you weren't erased by the void?

Saruto: I have no idea.

Ayato smirked arrogantly, observing the newcomers with curiosity and disdain.

Ayato: Interesting. That doesn't change the fact that you're now facing the God who will rewrite all of existence.

Boruko: You can call yourself God all you want, but we're here to put an end to your evil plans and protect the multiverse!

Saruto: We won't allow you to destroy everything we know. We'll fight with all our might to protect our friends and our home.

Ayato: Foolish courage. You have no idea of the power I possess now.

Ayato raised his scythe again, preparing to attack Saruto and Boruko.

With a swift motion, Ayato lunged toward the two young Uzumaki, delivering powerful strikes with his scythe. Saruto activated his Requiem, moving with surprising agility, managing to evade Ayato's attacks and counter with kicks and taijutsu strikes.

Boruko, on the other hand, wielded her sword skillfully, using her speed and kenjutsu prowess to confront the enemy. She executed precise and swift cuts, trying to find a gap in Ayato's defense.

As the battle unfolded, Sanada, Mitsuki, and the others watched attentively. They knew they couldn't intervene, as it could create an opening for Ayato. Instead, they had full trust in the strength and abilities of the two.

Meanwhile, Ayato began demonstrating the power of the Divine Jewel, unleashing devastating waves of energy toward Saruto and Boruko. They skillfully dodged, but it was clear that Ayato held the advantage in the fight.

Saruto used his ability to create a fire scythe to counter Ayato's attack.

With a precise and agile spin, Saruto dodged the energy wave and then launched his fire scythe toward Ayato. The scythe sliced through the air at incredible speed, but the malevolent God narrowly evaded it, recognizing the dangerous threat.

Ayato: Do you think this trick will stop me?

While Ayato was distracted by the fire scythe, Boruko seized the opportunity to unleash a series of rapid and precise strikes toward him. Her combined attacks with Saruto's agility created an intense offensive, forcing Ayato to exert effort to defend himself.

Ayato: You're irritating! Don't you realize you can't defeat me?

Saruto: Don't underestimate the determination of an Uzumaki!

Boruko: Let's end this, Saruto!

The two continued to fight relentlessly against Ayato, each movement calculated to maximize their power. However, Ayato was using the Divine Jewel to regenerate rapidly, making it difficult for the young Uzumaki to inflict significant damage.

As the battle raged on, Sarada, Mitsuki, and the others began to feel the weight of the multiverse's fate on their shoulders. They knew they needed to find a way to support Saruto and Boruko, helping them defeat Ayato.

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