The energy that rules the worlds

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Some time has passed.

Jiraiya: It's been 3 days since he's been meditating non-stop.


Jiraiya: I have a question for you.

A question?

Jiraiya pulls out a tattered ninja headband from poor condition - where did you get this?

Upon seeing the headband, the boy starts experiencing strong headaches.

Hey, are you okay? - Jiraiya asks, concerned.

Sorry, but I need to do something - the boy says, panting as he gets up.

Flashback ends:

And he hasn't left that rock since then - Jiraiya thinks to himself.

As the boy remained in his meditative state, a mysterious aura seemed to envelop him. The energy around him pulsed, at times gentle like a breeze, and at others intense like a gale. Jiraiya couldn't help but wonder about the nature of that energy and the young man's purpose.

Suddenly, a large amount of water is thrown up in an explosion in the lake.

Damn, why can't I do it? - the boy says, punching the rock.

Jiraiya: Why are you so desperate?

Boy: Oh, it's you.

Jiraiya: You've been here for three days, sitting on this rock in the middle of this lake. So, I'm curious to know.

Boy: Even if you knew, you couldn't help me.

Jiraiya: You remind me of a former student of mine.

Boy: ...

Jiraiya: He was a real idiot and stubborn. Once he set his mind on something, it was hard to change it. But he always gave his all so that others could have hope. He used to say, "I never go back on my word, that's my ninja way."

Boy: "My ninja way."

Jiraiya: What a surprise, you know that phrase.

Boy: My father told me that once.

Jiraiya: Wait, you...?

Boy: I've regained a small part of my memory. I still can't remember faces or names, but me and some friends were training to prevent a war that will happen in 3 weeks. Jiraiya, could you teach me?

Jiraiya: Of course.

Boy: You know, I also remembered that I have a little sister and she used to call me Shin.

Jiraiya lets out a small laugh.

Shin: What's so funny?

Jiraiya: Your name sounds like that of a little girl.

Come on, don't make fun of me - Shin says, embarrassed.

5 minutes later

Jiraiya: Alright, let's start. First question for you: What makes up the world?

Shin: I don't know, Chakra, Ki.

Jiraiya: Wrong. The world is made up of energy. A collection of energy forms a concept, and a concept becomes a law. Do you understand?

Shin looks with his mouth open and says - to me, you're not making any sense.

Jiraiya: Let's try another way.

He walks on the water to the middle of the lake and says - attack me with your strongest move.

Shin: If I do that, you could die.

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