The Renaissance

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A few days later, Boruto finds himself in a strange place where he was facing an older version of himself, wearing bizarre clothes and chained in a vast blue ocean.

He approaches his older self cautiously and notices a scar on his right eye. However, he begins to sink into the ocean, whispering something, but Boruto can't understand a single word.

Boruto wakes up in his room, gasping for breath, and his heart racing uncontrollably. The dream he had left him bewildered and confused. He looks around, making sure he's in his own room, with familiar colors and objects.

The memory of that strange dream remains vivid in his mind. He remembers the older version of himself, the strange clothes, and the scar on his right eye. What did it all mean?

Boruto decides that a nighttime walk through the streets of Konoha would be the best way to calm his nerves after the strange dream. He puts on a jacket and quietly leaves the house, entering the bustling nighttime city.

The neon lights and glowing signs of the city create a vibrant and mesmerizing landscape. Boruto walks through the busy streets, letting his thoughts wander. He can't help but wonder about the meaning of that mysterious dream in such a contemporary setting.

Boruto begins to sense someone following him as he navigates the busy streets of Konoha.

Cautiously, Boruto decides to check who's following him without drawing too much attention. He takes some unexpected turns, but the stranger continues to follow him, demonstrating surprising stealth skills. Boruto knows he's not dealing with an ordinary person.

Finally, Boruto finds a dark and empty alley. He decides it's the right time to confront his mysterious pursuer. He quickly turns around and says - Who are you? Why are you following me?

Then I was right, you can really see me - says the man, taking off his hood and revealing his golden hair and eyes that seemed to shine like a star.

Boruto is completely surprised to see the man revealing golden hair and eyes that shine like a star. He has never seen someone with such an extraordinary appearance in his life.

The man smiles, revealing a warm look that contrasts with his unusual appearance. He approaches Boruto gracefully and says - You can call me Haruto. Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm here because you're special, Boruto. Or rather, what's inside you.

Boruto: What do you mean by 'what's inside me'? What are you talking about?

Haruto looks deep into Boruto's eyes and responds - Inside you, Boruto, resides the soul of someone who shouldn't have died, and now I'm here to fix this anomaly. - In his hand, a sword of fire forms, which startles Boruto.

Haruto: But for that, I'll have to kill you.

Boruto is petrified by Haruto's statement and the sword of fire materializing in his hand. Haruto's words echo in his mind, and he feels a mix of fear, confusion, and despair.

In a desperate move, Boruto grabs and throws a trash can lid toward Haruto. The lid is reduced to ashes with just one swing of the sword. Boruto seizes the opportunity and starts running for his life.

Boruto runs through the streets of Konoha seeking help but soon realizes something is terribly wrong. The people around him don't seem to notice him, as if he were invisible. He tries to scream for help, but no sound comes from his mouth. He feels completely isolated and helpless in a world that seems distorted and unreal.

Boruto continues running through the empty streets, his heart pounding and his mind in turmoil. He realizes that no matter where he goes or what he does, Haruto always seems to be there, silently following him.

Boruto runs to his school and climbs the stairs leading to the roof, locking the door in hopes of keeping Haruto out. But to his surprise, Haruto appears floating two meters above the ground.

Haruto: How long do you intend to keep running like a rat?

Boruto is trapped on the school roof, with Haruto hovering above him as an imminent threat. His heart races as he assesses his limited options.

Haruto looks at Boruto with a serious expression and says - Running won't solve anything, Boruto. 

With courage, Boruto takes a deep breath and asks, - Why are you doing this? What do you want from me? And who is this person whose soul is inside me?

Haruto sighs deeply, as if carrying a heavy burden. With a swift motion, a massive fire dragon appears in the sky and charges toward Boruto.

The enormous fire dragon approaches Boruto rapidly, roaring with blazing flames that burn intensely. Boruto, with wide eyes filled with surprise and fear.

Boruto is thrown from the school roof by the impact of the massive fire dragon. He crashes violently on the ground floor, suffering bruises and scratches as he rolls on the ground. The pain is intense.

Boruto tries to get up, but his legs tremble with weakness. He thinks in shock and fear - I fell from the sixth floor and I'm still alive. How?

Haruto descends gracefully from the roof, landing softly beside Boruto. The fire dragon seems to dissipate in the air, returning to its original form of slowly disappearing flames.

Boruto tries to catch his breath and control the pain coursing through his body. He looks at Haruto, whose golden eyes continue to shine intensely.

Haruto: Stay still this time.

Haruto swiftly plunges his fire sword into Boruto's heart.

Boruto feels excruciating pain as Haruto's fire sword pierces his chest. He gasps and gazes into Haruto's golden eyes with disbelief. Blood flows from his wound as he struggles to understand what's happening.

Haruto, with a somber look, removes the fire sword from Boruto's chest and steps back a few paces. Boruto falls to his knees, the pain still pulsating through his body. He presses a hand to his wound, trying to stop the bleeding.

Why are you...? - Boruto begins to ask, but his voice comes out weak and faltering.

Haruto looks at Boruto with a mix of sadness and anguish.

Boruto feels his vision blur as the pain intensifies. He fights to keep his eyes open, but weakness quickly overwhelms him. A golden aura surrounds his body as he falls and loses consciousness; he can see his older self seemingly separating from his body.

Haruto: My job is done. Welcome back to life, Boruto.

 Welcome back to life, Boruto

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