Divine Confrontation: The Fall of a God

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Boruto turns his head and releases a faint, gentle smile.

Upon seeing that gentle smile, tears begin to trickle down Sarada's face.

Sarada: Boruto! I... I missed you so much!

She rushes towards Boruto and embraces him tightly, unable to contain her emotions.

Boruto holds Sarada in his arms tenderly, feeling the intensity of the emotions shared between them. He gently strokes her hair as she cries, allowing the tears to flow freely.

Boruto: Sarada, I missed you too. More than you can imagine.

Sarada pulls back slightly from the embrace, keeping her hands on Boruto's shoulders as she gazes into his eyes. The worry that was once on her face is now replaced with relief and joy.

Sarada: I knew... I knew you would come back.

At that moment, a sudden sense of danger overtakes Boruto. He notices something moving swiftly towards them. Without hesitation, he scoops up Sarada in his arms and throws her out of the clearing, teleporting her back to where Yosuke and the others were, using his agility and speed honed through his journey.

As Boruto dodges Ragnar's surprise attack, he moves with incredible agility. Boruto crouches over Ragnar's arm and, with a quick and precise movement, he cuts Ragnar in multiple places in the blink of an eye. Boruto's lightning-fast attack is astonishing, leaving Ragnar stunned and unable to react in time.

Suddenly, the clones that were fighting against Shin dissolve, and Boruto lands next to Shin.

With the dust settling after the confrontation, Boruto looks at Shin with a serious and determined gaze.

Boruto: Shin, it seems like you've been busy here too.

Shin nods, still somewhat surprised by Boruto's sudden appearance and his incredible mastery of the abilities he acquired during his journey.

Shin: Yes, Boruto. Thanks to you and the others, we managed to deal with the threat here. It seems like you haven't been idle during all this time either.

Boruto gives a slight smile as he observes Ragnar recovering and preparing for another confrontation.

Boruto: Looks like we have a bigger problem to solve. He won't give up easily.

Shin: I agree.

Ragnar starts laughing.

Boruto: What's so funny?

Ragnar: You humans are truly interesting... Come, let's dance a little more.

Ragnar channels his energy and prepares to launch another devastating attack.

Ragnar: You're persistent, I must admit. But no matter how strong you are, you can't defeat me.

Shinachiku and Boruto move in synchrony, combining their unique abilities to create a joint strategy. They advance toward Ragnar, attacking with a series of quick and precise strikes.

The god easily evades and attempts to counterattack with a punch imbued with divine Ki, but his hand is severed by Boruto's sword. Shin seizes the opportunity and lands a powerful punch infused with chakra on Ragnar's face, pushing him back.

Boruto charges with a Rasengan, Ragnar regenerates his hand and tries to hit Boruto with ki blades, but Boruto teleports using his Jougan and simultaneously, Shin hits him from behind with a strong chakra-infused punch, causing an explosion of energy.

They realize that their attacks were stopped with just one hand.

You're quite annoying - Ragnar says before throwing both of them into the air.

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