Sarada and Mitsuki vs the Heavenly Twins part.2

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The sky fills with an intense radiance as the twins transform into the majestic Celestial Dragons, colossal beings made of pure chakra. Their imposing forms hover over Sarada and Mitsuki, rendering the training ground small in comparison to their magnitude.

Sarada and Mitsuki understand that they are facing an unparalleled force. The Celestial Dragons unleash a deafening roar, shaking the earth and causing the trees around to tremble. Boruto, who was on his way to find Ayato, senses the tremendous aura of the dragon and realizes that his friends are in trouble.

Sorry Sarada, Mitsuki, but I'll have to leave you on your own this time - Boruto says in his thoughts as he continues climbing the palace stairs.


Younger twin: Lightning Breath.

She unleashes a massive barrage of lightning towards Sarada, who, in desperation, teleports back to the training ground where she finds Mitsuki standing, severely injured.

Sarada, what are you doing here? - Mitsuki shouts, running towards her.

Elder twin: Vanish, Gale Breeze.

The older twin summons a powerful gust of wind, creating a furious whirlwind heading towards Mitsuki and Sarada. The two genin prepare to face the attack, determined to protect each other.

Even though wounded, Sarada remains unwavering in her determination. She quickly assesses the situation and realizes that the Gale Breeze could be fatal for them. Swiftly, she erects a chakra barrier using her Susanoo technique, shielding both herself and Mitsuki from the impending impact.

As the wind gust collides with Sarada's makeshift defense, they feel the intense pressure and overwhelming force of the attack. The ground trembles beneath their feet, and they struggle to stay steady.

However, the combined power of the twins is formidable. Sarada's chakra barrier begins to crack under the pressure and threatens to give way at any moment. Mitsuki senses the imminent danger and acts swiftly.

He leaps away and pulls Uchiha with him out of the attack zone.

Sarada and Mitsuki manage to escape the reach of the Gale Breeze, thanks to Mitsuki's agility and determination to protect his friend. They land a few meters away, panting, but not giving up.

Mitsuki looks at Sarada with concern, seeing how injured she is. He knew that she was using a significant portion of her chakra to maintain the Susanoo, and it was rapidly weakening her. However, Sarada shows no signs of backing down.

Sarada: Mitsuki... are you okay?

Mitsuki: Yeah, I'm fine. But you... you're not in a condition to keep fighting like this.

At that moment, another dragon appears in the sky.

Twins: Sister.

The twins regroup, and now Sarada and Mitsuki will have to face two dragons at once.

Sarada: Mitsuki, I have a plan to defeat these two, but I need you to buy me some time.

Mitsuki: Of course, Sarada! I'll do whatever it takes to give you the necessary time. I trust you, let's win together!

Mitsuki wastes no time and immediately positions himself on the front line, facing the two Celestial Dragons with all his courage and sage abilities. He uses his speed to dodge the dragons' attacks, while his sage snakes assist him in precise strikes, aiming to weaken the twins as much as possible.

Sarada, on the other hand, focuses on her plan. She knows that the key to victory lies in finding the weakness of the Celestial Dragons. With her Mangekyō Sharingan activated, she carefully observes the chakra patterns and movements of the twins, seeking an opening.

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