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After Ayato's defeat, peace returned to us, and the flow of time in the multiverse resumed. Then, a year passed, and now it was time for us to bid farewell to our friends.

Shin: Well, it was great getting to know all of you.

Boruko, holding back tears, said - I'm going to miss you so much - as he hugged Sarada.

Himiko: I wish we could stay a bit longer. My time here has been truly wonderful. We could repeat this stay any other day.

Shin, concerned, replied - Himiko, you don't need that; it's not good for our baby.

Himiko, a bit irritated, retorted - For heaven's sake, Shin, by the time we leave, the baby will have already been born. Stop being such a killjoy

Sarada laughed as she added - When Shin proposed to you, it was quite a surprise, too.

Saruto/Sanada/Aika: And where are Boruto and Yosuke?

Sarada: They went to pick up the kids; they should be arriving soon.

While everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of Boruto and Yosuke with the children, nostalgia filled the air. They knew this farewell would be difficult, as they had shared many adventures and special moments together.

Minutes later, Boruto and Yosuke finally appeared, accompanied by an excited group of children. The little ones ran and jumped with joy, recognizing their friends.

Yosuke: Hey, everyone! Sorry for the delay; we were organizing some things for our departure.

Boruto: Sorry, Sana didn't want to come; she says she doesn't like goodbyes, and Saru didn't want to leave his bed. As for Hakuto, well, he...

Hakuto: Mommy, look what I made! – said Sarada and Boruto's youngest, showing a drawing of everyone that he had done with colored pencils.

Sarada: Wow, Hakuto, that looks really nice! You're a talented artist, just like your dad.

Boruto chimed in - That's right, son! Keep practicing, and you'll get even better.

Hey, Uncle Yosuke, we brought some things for you guys. – said Sarada and Boruto's eldest, handing over small souvenirs to Yosuke.

Yosuke: Thank you, Saru! These mementos will be cherished.

Boruko: Everyone, I wanted to say that it was a pleasure getting to know all of you. This time here has been a unique and unforgettable experience.

Saruto and Sanada looked at Saru and Sana and said - It's still kind of strange.

Shin: It was a pleasure to meet all of you too. You're a wonderful family.

Himiko hugged Sarada and Boruto and said - You're going to be missed so much. But I'm sure in the future, we'll meet again on some other adventure.

Sarada: Absolutely! I just hope it won't be as eventful as the first time.

Sana, Boruto and Sarada's middle child, walked up to Sarada and asked for a hug.

Sanada: You're so adorable, little one.

Sana smiled as she received the hug.

Sana: I hope that when I grow up, I can be just like you.

Sanada replied - Oh, sweetie. Keep being the wonderful person you are, and never stop following your heart."

Sarada added, - It seems like the multiverse had an even more special experience in store for us than we imagined.

Boruto: Absolutely! I think our destinies were intertwined in a unique way from the beginning.

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