The Last Battle part. 2

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Ayato let out a sigh and created a portal on the ground. - You know where to find me; I'll give you two minutes - he said before stepping through the portal.

Boruto got up and forced the transformation in his body to prolong it and heal his injuries. Without hesitation, he approached the portal created by Ayato. He felt the pressure of time, but he also knew he couldn't face Ayato unprepared. He took a deep breath and decided to take a moment to focus.

Bo... Boruto - Sarada gasped.

Boruto turned upon hearing Sarada's voice. He saw her leaning against the debris. Concern crossed his face at seeing her in such a state.

Boruto: Sarada, you should rest. I'll go after Ayato, but you need to recover.

Boruto knelt by Sarada's side, worried about her condition. He placed his hand over her wound, using his Divine Ki healing power to stabilize her condition. Sarada weakly smiled at him, grateful for his concern.

Sarada: Thank you, Boruto. You're amazing.

Boruto smiled back at her as he continued to focus his Divine Ki on healing Sarada. He knew he couldn't afford to lose much time, but he also couldn't leave his friend in a vulnerable state.

I have to go now, Sarada - Boruto said, moving away from Sarada and standing in front of the portal.

You know, I really love you, Boruto - Sarada said in a weak voice, kissing Uzumaki on the cheek.

Boruto: Do you remember the first time you told me that? Back then, I didn't know how to respond. But now, I do have an answer.

When all of this is over... We can talk about it - Boruto said with a big smile on his face before jumping into the portal.

Boruto passed through the portal and entered a world of temporal distortions. He saw images of past, present, and future events unfolding before him as a single timeline. Scenes from his own life and from others he knew flashed by quickly. It was a dizzying experience, but he focused on his mission.

As he advanced through the portal, he could feel Ayato's presence somewhere ahead. He quickened his pace, determined to reach his enemy before time ran out. Boruto knew he needed to rescue Yosuke and stop Ayato once and for all.

As he moved through the distorted timeline, the images became clearer and sharper. He saw fragments of his own journey, from childhood to the present, recalling the moments that shaped him as a ninja and as a person.

Finally, Boruto emerged from the portal in a different location, a completely deserted and gloomy landscape. He found Ayato standing, waiting for him near a sphere the size of a bowling ball, entangled in light roots.

Ayato looked at Boruto with an indifferent, almost disdainful look. He knew Boruto was determined to stop him, but he didn't seem to care much. The surrounding environment was filled with dense, oppressive energy.

Boruto: It's over, Ayato! You can't continue causing so much chaos and destruction. I will stop you and ensure you never hurt anyone again.

Ayato: Oh, I see that you are more determined than ever, Boruto. But know that this is futile. This sphere right here is literally the origin of the entire multiverse, basically the first universe to exist, and from it, other universes will be born through choices that could occur in different ways. These choices create branches in time, branching into various different realities. Because someone decided how things should be, there is no free will. You also realize it, don't you, little brother?

Ayato: But we are different, you and I. We have the power to manipulate the flow of time and space. With this power, you can reverse even the most drastic consequences and reshape the fate of worlds. We can make everyone choose what they want to be, how they want to live. Join me, my brother, let's save everyone from this tyranny together.

Boruto: Ruins of the MultiverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora