A new beginning

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Boruto's POV:

I open my eyes and find myself lying on a hospital bed. The voices and sounds of the hospital around me seem distant as I try to process everything that happened. My mind is flooded with memories of the battle against Ayato, the words we exchanged, and the visions I had. I feel exhausted but also relieved to know that Ayato can no longer cause harm.

As my friends and family gather by my side, I see Sarada, both worried and relieved at the same time. She holds me in a tight embrace, even though the doctor advised against it, and her touch brings comfort amidst all the turbulence.

 She holds me in a tight embrace, even though the doctor advised against it, and her touch brings comfort amidst all the turbulence

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Sarada: Boruto, are you okay? I'm so sorry I couldn't help you in the fight.

On that day, I found out that Yosuke was still alive, and the others are going to stay here until he recovers and Karasuki can generate enough power for multiple simultaneous dimensional transfers, so they'll be with us for another year.

I'm still weak and need some time to fully recover. I respond to Sarada with a faint smile.

Boruto: Sarada, it's okay. You've always been by my side, and I know it's not your fault you couldn't assist me in the battle. Besides, thanks to you and our friends, we managed to defeat Ayato and save the multiverse.

Sarada looks at me with a determined gaze and gently holds my hand.

Sarada: What happened after you defeated Ayato?

Boruto sighs as he reflects on what happened after the battle with Ayato. His memories are still vivid, and he begins to tell Sarada and the others what happened next.

Boruto: After that explosion that engulfed everything, I found myself in a strange place, like a void. It was as if time and space were suspended. It was there that I encountered Ayato once again, but this time he was just a child, like a younger version of himself.

Sarada and the others listen attentively as Boruto continues his story.

Boruto: We had a conversation, Ayato and I. It was a strange moment, as if we were reconciling in some way. He told me about a story our mother used to tell us when we were children, the story of a red-haired child. It was as if Ayato was trying to make sense of everything he had done.

Boruto looks at Sarada and gently squeezes her hand.

Boruto: In the end, after one final burst of energy, I woke up once more in an empty place, but this time with a vast blue sky where I met a girl.

Flashback on:

It seems I've lost, I'm sorry, Reena - Ayato says, dissipating into light.

Boruto watches that scene with a certain sadness.

???: Thank you very much for stopping him.

Boruto turns and finds a girl looking at him.

Boruto turns and finds a girl looking at him

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