Sarada and Mitsuki vs the Heavenly Twins part.1

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Previously, Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki were taken by surprise by Ryuji's technique, which separated them from Shin and Sanada.

Sarada and Mitsuki found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar training ground. The place is vast, filled with various obstacles and traps, giving the impression that it's specifically designed to test the combat skills and teamwork of shinobi.

As they explore the training ground in search of an entrance to the palace, Sarada and Mitsuki sense an intense amount of chakra emanating from all corners. The energy is overwhelming, leaving them intrigued and alert for potential dangers.

Suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes nearby, narrowly missing them. They quickly dodge away, and before they can fully recover, a tornado forms, bringing with it two twin girls with blue hair and fair skin.

The twins land gracefully on the ground, radiating an aura of power and mystery. Their gazes lock onto Sarada and Mitsuki, and a brief silence fills the air. The twins seem to assess the newcomers with curiosity and interest.

Sarada: Who are you?

Twins: We are the ones who are going to kill you, under the orders of Master Ayato.

The twins' words echo across the training ground, putting Sarada and Mitsuki on high alert. The atmosphere grows tense, and the two shinobi prepare themselves for battle.

Sarada quickly activates her Mangekyō Sharingan, while Mitsuki enters Sage Mode, and they both launch themselves towards the twins.

The younger twin fires a column of lightning, and Sarada activates her Susanoo to defend against the attack, using her Susanoo's hand. Meanwhile, Mitsuki strikes the younger twin with a powerful punch. However, she is protected by a wind barrier created by the older twin, deflecting Mitsuki's attack, followed by a barrage of air blades that force him to retreat.

Sarada notices the twins' defensive abilities and realizes this won't be an easy fight. She focuses on facing the younger twin, who appears to specialize in lightning.

On the other hand, Mitsuki regroups after the air blade attack and focuses on the older twin, who has an impressive mastery over wind.

Sarada charges toward the younger twin, throwing a kunai her way, but she easily dodges it.

Younger Twin: Do you think a toy like that can do anything?

Younger Twin: Lightning Hydra.

From her hand, multiple lightning serpents are launched towards Sarada, who suddenly disappears.

She disappeared?! - the younger twin exclaims in surprise.


Shin: Sarada, come here for a moment.

Sarada: Of course.

I want you to take this. - Shin says, handing two kunai to Sarada.

Sarada: Kunai?

Shin: They're not just ordinary kunai. They're kunai my grandfather used. They have a special seal on their handles, and when they synchronize with the user's chakra, it allows them to instantly move to the kunai, similar to Boruto's Jougan teleportation and your father's Rinnegan.

Sarada: Teleportation, huh?

Shin: Yes, the name of this technique is...

Back to the present:

Sarada grabs the clothes of the younger twin from behind, surprising her.

Sarada: Let's go to a more secluded place, Hiraishin no Jutsu!

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