Chapter 41 - Gossip

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"Are they the same?"

"Oh yes! As a matter of fact..." Lady Beatrice leaned in and lowered her voice to a whisper. "I heard that the mage's thief is also the same informant who's been helping the Chalot Kingdom!"

"Impossible! Now I know your brothers are making it up!"

"But it's true! They've seen him! And the descriptions match what the survivors of Chestershire gave! A gaunt young man with blond hair and dark, evil eyes."

"Sounds more like a mongrel than a master criminal."

"Call him what you will, but he's destroyed so many towns and no one has been able to track him. It's like he disappears without a trace!"

Lady Blueborn finally interjected in a low whisper. "Thank god for Lord Brooks."

With those few words, the tone of the conversation shifted to a more exciting topic. Adler smiled at her friend encouragingly. "Yes, if it hadn't been for that man offering so much support in the Empire, I don't think the people would be able to handle the string of bad news anymore."

Beatrice frowned. "My brothers don't seem to like him much."

"Why not? That man is a saint!"

"They say he refuses to show up for most of their meetings. Supposedly his face is scarred, so he has to wear a mask. I can understand why he'd be hesitant to attend parties, but my brothers find him to be rude whenever he does make an appearance."

"Well rude or not, the emperor has openly praised him for his support of the people. Don't forget that Lord Brooks is also the one who tamed the Forest of Death. And now he's sharing his wealth with the people whose villages have been destroyed. I've even heard that the small town outside of his forest has grown immensely from all the people who have started swearing loyalty to him. He may very well become a Duke!"

"But isn't it a bit concerning? If Lord Brooks keeps dumping his money on the people whose villages get destroyed, how could he ever support a dukedom? He wouldn't have the funds, I don't think?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Isn't it? A Duke should put his people first and foremost. I think Lord Brooks is just trying to buy everyone's support. Remember he also has a hand in almost every business on this street as well."

"Which means he'll have more than enough money to support his people should the Emperor ever properly reward him."

"He could be drafted," Blueborn suggested, fully getting into the topic.

The three stood quietly for a moment before Adler waved a dismissive hand. "I'm sure they wouldn't draft him. If he were to go off to fight...He wouldn't be able to help the Empire like he's already been!"

"Well...We wouldn't have to worry about it if that arsonist were to finally be caught. He's the real menace. Stealing empirical weapons, destroying towns, and working as Chalot's informant...I just wonder how he's getting in and out of the Empire?" Beatrice rubbed her chin. "Nobody knows the arsonist's name or where he comes from. But he's ruthless and seems to be trying to cause the Empire to fall from within. Like what happened with the palace party. I wouldn't be surprised if he was behind the poison they'd found in their food."

"Now that's just going too far isn't it?" Adler tutted. "You can't tell me one man can do all of that by himself. It was a disowned noble who attempted to poison the Ball food that night."

"Well nobody knows. That's the problem. There could be a very sneaky Chalot Kingdom arsonist running around the Empire this very minute. I just know that anyone who faces him has either died or lost everything they've come to love."

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