19. Nothing like awkward first dates to reaffirm friendships

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With that final statement, they parted ways as Alex walked into the potions classroom to find Severus brewing a potion for his N.E.W.T. level students. He glanced up when he heard her entering before turning his attention back on the potion.

"Hello Severus," she greeted as she plopped on one of the desks. "What are you brewing?"

"Something for the seventh years that is not something a third year should play around with, what do you need?" He asked, continuing to add ingredients without looking up again.

"Well, I was just making sure that you were okay with me staying for the holidays at Hogwarts," she told him. "Also, what do you want for Christmas? I'm doing my present shopping during the upcoming Hogsmeade trip."

Severus glanced up at her with a blank stare. "You have never bought me a present before, what makes you think I would want one now?"

"Just trying to get you into the holiday spirit," she teased, but when he didn't crack a smile, she slumped back. "Fine, I won't get you anything."  Standing up, she gathered her bag before walking over to where he stood by the cauldron. "If you change your mind, even if it's just more potion ingredients, I'm happy to get them for you."

"You really don't have to," he spoke, not looking up from adding the final ingredients to his potion.

Suddenly, the overwhelming scent of a broomstick handle, as well as gunpowder, something sweet smelling, and another distinct smell she couldn't place enveloped Alex's senses.

"Whoa," she mumbled, causing Severus to look up as she gave one last sniff of the air, recognizing the last scent. "I'm pretty sure Fred Weasley's wearing too much of that cologne because it hasn't left the classroom since your last class with him."

Without another word, she walked out of the class. Severus's brow furrowed at her statement. Neither of the Weasley twins hadn't been in his classroom for a few days as far as he knew. Why was she smelling Fred Weasley's cologne in his class?

Then he looked down at the Amortentia he was brewing and groaned.

"Merlin, have mercy on my soul if those two ever decide to get together," he grumbled.

The morning of the Hogsmeade trip, Alex woke up earlier than usual to put more effort into how she looked for that day. She had been reading up on Witch Weekly's magazines that Lavender had to help make her hair straight for the day rather than its natural waviness. She also put on a little mascara to make her blue eyes stand out more and left it at that. She was never one to experiment a ton when it came to make-up.

She pulled out the purple jumper that Molly had knit her for Christmas the previous year with a golden 'A' on the front of it, along with a pair of light jeans and her brown boots. After looking one last time in the mirror, she grabbed her coat, along with a pair of gloves, a hat, scarf, and her bag to carry presents she would be buying during the trip, she left for breakfast.

Upon entering the Great Hall, she found Harry sulking at the Gryffindor table over the fact that he would still be the only third-year staying behind again. She walked over and sat across from him. "I can stay behind if you'd like," she offered with a smile.

"No," Harry shook his head. "I know you've got that date with Diggory and we both know you're too nice to cancel last minute. Just look how happy he looks."

The two teens looked over Alex's shoulder to see Cedric laughing with his friends, but he did appear to be nervous. Alex wondered if it had to do with the fact that they were going on a date, like an official 'Ask a person out' date.  She couldn't help but feel more awkward because she continued to be worried for what would happen on this date.  Would they end up kissing?

Insomnia | Fred Weasley |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt