The two laughed as they separated, with Rosalie entering the restroom. Serafina looked at the small mirror to confirm that her lipstick was fixed. Smiling to ensure there was no color on her teeth. She couldn't help but admire herself. But she did manage to see a face she recognized heading her way. She remembered she had never properly thanked him for his help before.

"Good morning, Isaac," she smiled as she snapped the mirror shut.

She had frightened the young, darker-complected group as they froze at being spoken to. This particular group was of four young men and two young women. Isaac wasn't even at the head of their group. He was a bit smaller than the others, shorter than Serafina but equal in height to the young ladies in their group.

They stood frozen in their spots. The other students around the hallway couldn't help whispering amongst themselves at this interaction.

Isaac stared at her with slight confusion and fear, but after a bit of a delay, managed to stutter out, "Y-you know my name?" he asked.

"I thought I did, but that isn't really how you would respond to that greeting," Serafina gave him a strange look, "Was I wrong? I could've sworn it was Isaac," her face showed her confusion. She began to mutter to herself, "Maybe Ivan? Isaiah? It started with an 'I'. Now I want to say Ignacio, but that doesn't seem right," she mumbled, holding her fist under her chin as she thought aloud.

The others pushed Isaac forward as they chuckled.

"Oh no! I'm sorry! No! You were right! I'm Isaac. I'm just surprised you remembered me. You didn't seem to be listening when we met," he apologized.

"I heard every word you said," she answered as she leaned back against her locker, "I was just a little upset about the situation. Sorry. But I appreciate your help at that time! How's it going in class? Any news?" she asked knowingly.

"It was your mama that raised the stink about class, right?" one of the other young men stepped beside Isaac to ask. Serafina nodded in response.

"She went to all our houses to tell everyone about the unfair grading. My mama didn't even know I was in special ed," another spoke up, "she whooped me good for not telling her about being in that class after your mama left."

"Why didn't you tell her?" Rosalie asked as she stepped beside Serafina.

The young men immediately shied away from her presence and avoided eye contact.

"Because it's embarrassing," Serafina answered. Rosalie couldn't help staring at her with sadness and confusion.

The group nodded in agreement.

"That's probably how they managed to get away with it," Jasper said as he stepped behind Rosalie and Serafina, "they knew you would be too embarrassed to tell your parents about it."

His sudden appearance and too-straight-at-attention posture immediately intimidated the group.

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