"Mommy!" Felix ran up to me and slowly dropped to his knees while touching my ankle with his small hands. "Are you pranking me or are you hurt, mommy?" I couldn't help but smile at him. Well, that was embarrassing.

I knew karma would instantly hit me for trying to challenge Alex. He always won anyway.

"Baby...are you alright?" I washed out red seeing him kneel and grab my leg. My leg felt so light like almost dust light on the way it was held by him. I hated him so much sometimes. He was at work the entire morning, he came home and suddenly he started running and probably he would go to the gym tonight. And still.

He looked so damn scrumptious.
More like mouth-watering.

His uniform and his messy hair, the small drips of sweat running down his forehead. I swear I am not on my knees, but I won't mind being later. It annoyed me to see his shirt halfway unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up, his tattoos were showing off and I hated that. He was mine.

Just like I was his and nobody is allowed to see me, he shouldn't show off like that!

"Viviana?" He cut off my thoughts and I managed to shake my head off. "Does it hurt like this?" He twisted my ankle and a cold kiss was placed on it. Moving my foot from side to side and actually, no. No, Alex, my foot didn't hurt at all, but do you know what else did at this moment?

"I'm okay!" I pressed my palms against the tickling grass to get up, I wasn't so surprised being held back and picked up the way he wanted me to be safe. "I can walk, I don't need your help," I added with attitude.

"I didn't offer my help." He bit back, and I had no idea what pissed him off like that. "I know what to do with you." My cheeks flushed brighter and even more red. I mean, did you?

I couldn't keep myself away and with a straight face. I couldn't help but grin and throw my arms around his neck till I was placed on the wooden garden table. No way he can get hotter than this.

"Go back inside and call grandma." He sent a glare to my poor Felix before he ran off shouting for my mom to come and see. I was left alone with Alex in the garden and feeling his hands run up and down on my bare legs shivered me.
"I am going to kill you." He said heavily.

While pressing his lips on my neck and a hand lifting my leg around his waist. He said that while doing that? I'd gladly die then.

"You won't." I squeezed his shoulders. "You love me..." my lips got caught between my teeth feeling this soft touch. Not just a soft touch, but him being between my legs gave me the hard touch. I am not able to do this anymore.

"Fuck, yeah I do..." he smiled against my lips and I still hated the fact I was weakly damaged by his touch. I hated how appetizing his lips were and how desirable his fingers felt in my skirt.

"Ew! Grandma! They're kissing again!" Alex slowly pulled away not caring how our son was covering his eyes with his small hands, disgusted catching us like that. My mom was standing right beside him with an ice pack in her hands.

I can tell the worried face has washed away from her after she saw us making out on that table.

"Felix had almost sent me to the hospital...I thought you broke your leg!" She frowned laughing it off after.

"You should take a rest," Alex suggested. And I couldn't look or tell him a no when he already had picked me up and allowed my legs to tighten around his waist once more. "Mwah, mwah, mwah!" He kissed every part of me and whines were leaving Felix's lips. "I just love your daughter so much, Ms Richards."

I tried taking a sneak peek at my mom only to find her as frozen as that ice pack in her hands. Her eyes rolled before she dropped off with a chuckle at both situations happening.

Me and Alex, Felix's whines.

"Ew, grandma!" Felix covered his eyes once again watching me and Alex head upstairs.

"Come on sweetie.. let's eat strawberries and watch a movie while Mom and Dad take a rest."
I heard her say from downstairs.

The door opened and the door slammed. I was dropped on the bed and he crawled up on me.

He placed kissing on my belly while hiding his head in my shirt. I still haven't recovered from the embarrassment I experienced earlier.

"I can't stand you, Alex." His head peeked out and Alex not caring wasn't so surprising either.

"Okay?" He huffed as a brow arched up on his face. "Sit on my face then." My mouth fell open, but sadly there was nothing to be said. I was too stunned to speak anymore.

"Oh okay? I see how it is." I pushed his shoulders off until he was lying flatly on the mattress instead of me. I climbed up on his lap which gave him a chance to chill down and throw his arms behind his head. "You're as arrogant as ever, Alex." I released his belt.

"I agree." He chuckled. "But you still love me." I rolled my eyes and started taking my shirt off.

"Yeah, whatever." I stroked him off and leaned towards his lips. His hands quit the moment where they were able to do nothing, and now they were on my hips, grinding me against him intensely.

"What are you doing?" He whacked my hand away from pushing him inside of me. "I was clear enough about you riding my face." He lifted my hips a little up for more support to get me up and away from sitting on his lap.

At this point, I couldn't stand both of us.
I can't stand how couples lost feelings after marrying the person they chose to love, meanwhile, there was me and Alex I fell deeper and harder in love every day.

Was it love? Or was it cursed love?
Was it Alex or was it just me?

It was a touch of darkness.

But with him, it ended with a touch of luminosity.

A touch of adoration,
A touch of passion,
A touch of lust and devotion.
It was a touch of Alex.
The end.

A TOUCH OF DARKNESS Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora