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Lights were dimmed. It wasn't his sleeping time.
It's not that late even. It's just 09:34 pm. And Alex at a time like this and sleeping? No way.

I placed down the plastic bag of food and went up to make sure he was asleep or not. I didn't buy food and options of meals for nothing.

I didn't want to knock on his door, what if he was asleep? I convinced myself to slowly creak the door open just at least a tiny inch to peek my head through and make sure he was asleep.

Good thing he was awake.
But the bad thing...

"I'm sorry!" I panicked trying to back off and close the door behind me, but when his voice shot into every muscle I walked around with, I did nothing but freeze again.

"Viviana." He whimpered. I indeed saw him jerking off, maybe I shouldn't have acted so surprised. It was Alex after all. "Come in," he ordered and I had to creak the door open again only to see him with an unpleased face, holding his phone in his hand while the right hand had something else to take care of.

"I apologize, I just wanted to let you know I got food if you're hungry." I tried breaking eye contact. Yes, me and Alex have done the unspeakable things, but eyeing the pair of eyes while he stares into my soul like I'm his next meal has dazed me.

"Cut the bullshit." His hand tightened around himself. "I need you." Alex and being honest? Alex and being helpless? "Take off your clothes." His eyes shut down as a warning, almost near his climax, and another warning for me to strip.

I don't know if he's been watching porn a lot recently to release the need for his lust and push down the pain from his sensitivity. He hasn't invited me to come over to his room or even told me to wear some of the lingerie he bought me, for himself actually. It's been a week like this. And a week with no sex? As Alex?

Something is wrong.

I didn't give any attention to it, I was minding my business, I decided to wait for him to call me out, and if he didn't then I shouldn't much of put a bother on myself. I was there at his service if he wanted me, he could easily have me.

I was happy going out and experiencing new thoughts and feelings with Clark, we went a few more times on coffee and apple juices, a great-looking steak dinner, and just talkative conversations. Unlike somebody...

I was enjoying my time with Clark, and to be honest with him everything felt just...better. He was caring and so funny that I can nearly laugh to death. He talks a lot and I loved the stories he shared with me, it showed me how comfortable he is, and wants to share a side of himself that nobody at work knows. It was cute.

I might have been the one putting distance between me and Alex by going out a lot and asking for more self-time by excusing myself from eating out, shopping, and a bit of spa time to relax the exhausted body he leaves at night.

Which as I should, but apparently it was all a lie to see Clark and get to know him more.

Honestly, I wasn't so afraid of Alex anymore, he was the one allowing me, agreeing, and giving me the opportunity to do what I wanted which we both knew, if the world fell apart, crashed, or if an apocalypse arrived he would have what he wanted.

Nothing small or big would stop him from getting what he wants, absolutely nothing. I was grateful he wasn't poking his nose into my business again, it was done since I told him I was his and I wouldn't do anything to bother him. That's how it works for Alex. Lie in his face and do what he wants. In that way, it's easier for both of us.

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