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It's dark by the time he gets there, and he finds himself thankful that the castle is closer to this place than his house was. It's approaching 11 PM when Kita finally spots Evander, by himself this time, sitting on a crate. He's leaning forward, elbows on his knees, and his glowing eyes are unmoving from Kita.

Nothing's even happened yet, and Kita's already irritated. Once Kita is within earshot, which is still far away due to their heightened senses, he speaks. "What do you want?"

Evander quirks an eyebrow at him. "I'd like to have a conversation."

"And it couldn't wait? You just had to crash my wedding?"

"That's dramatic," Evander says blandly, and Kita squints at him. No, that's not dramatic, because Evander didn't have an invitation. Kita knows everyone who was there, saw every name on every invitation. Evander's would've stuck out like a sore thumb. Evander and Alexis don't need to be anywhere near each other.

Kita sighs, stopping a few feet in front of Evander's seated form. He crosses his arms, eyes narrowed at the vampire. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

They should make this quick. Kita doesn't want to be missing too long, he might raise suspicion.

"Since you're officially married to him," Evander says, and Kita just stares at him blankly. He does not want to be doing this right now. He was actually just hoping Evander would have more blood for him or something, but clearly that wouldn't be urgent enough to crash Kita's wedding, which he did. "We need to work out the next steps in the plan."

Kita frowns. Huh? "What plan?"

Evander stares at him for a long moment, and Kita begins to wonder if he's missing something. He just doesn't understand, because the plan that included turning Kita into a vampire was supposed to play itself out. Alexis would, one day, figure it out, and then he was supposedly going to change his mind about... something. The way he feels about vampires? Amarath's laws against them? Kita isn't sure, all he knows is that it won't work.

Kita was under the impression he didn't have to do anything, so this is not pleasant news.

"You know I can't stay in Amarath forever, right?"

This does not help Kita's confusion at all. What? He can't stay in Amarath? Why not? Does he not... "Do you not live here?"

Evander is still staring at him, looking intrigued. Kita probably should've expected this, actually. How could this guy live in Amarath yet also be a vampire? The security and restrictions when it comes to monsters around here are insane. It would be difficult to slip past their parameters like that.

"No, Kita," the guy says, saying his name right for once, tone almost condescending. Kita narrows his eyes. "I don't. I need to go back to Vanhallam."

Oh, right. That is where most vampires live. It's the safest place for them. It's just... not exactly close by. Most people don't travel that far in their entire lives, they just don't have the money or resources.

Kita's only worried about one thing, at that news, however. "Then how am I gonna get blood?"

"It's not that hard, once you get the hang of it," is Evander's dismissive reply. It doesn't help Kita's mood. What? What the hell? Kita didn't even want this! He was roped into all this bullshit completely against his will!

"I didn't want this," Kita tells him, fists clenched. "You people are the ones that did this to me, I never signed up for it, so don't force me to be responsible for—"

"For what?" Evander asks, raising an eyebrow. "Taking care of yourself?"

Kita takes a step forward. Seriously? Taking care of himself? Kita knows exactly how to fucking take care of himself. Or at least, he did when he was human. This is all new territory for him, and he does not appreciate all this responsibility being dumped on him.

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