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Kita has never been to a wedding before.

Weddings, generally speaking, are for the upper class. Most common people can't afford them, and the only people of that status that Kita knows, are the royal family. He figured the first wedding he'd go to would be the one between Alexis' sister and her boyfriend. Not his own.

Throughout the entire week, Kita spends the majority of his time with the wedding planner. He's not completely sure what Alexis does during this time, though he's pretty sure the guy is just touching up on the little things, when it comes to ruling the empire. He's been trained to take the throne his entire life, so he's more than ready. There are still a few smaller things that Eve needs to ensure first, though.

Kita doesn't know much about that. He leaves almost all of the decisions to the wedding planner, assuming the lady would know more about this than himself. He also just doesn't trust himself with decision making, right now. The only thing he weighed in on was the fact that this is not taking place in a church. No thank you.

Kita's essentially been in a constant state of freaking the fuck out, ever since that fateful night when he and Alexis agreed to all this.

That fateful night when Kita figured out what he'd become. When he realized that he was essentially completely fucked, it was just a matter of when.

Kita has tried not to think about it, has tried to focus on other things. However, he's had a really hard time sleeping at night. Maybe it's the fact that this is the first time he's living somewhere that's not his childhood home, above The Remedy. Maybe it's all the recent changes messing with the routine he's had for almost his entire life. Maybe it's the fact that he's a vampire, about to marry the most famous and successful hunter of his time. There's no telling.

All he knows is that he can't sleep. He sneaks out at night to go get blood sometimes, and he thinks he does a decent job of doing so. His speed is starting to kick in—all his abilities are—so it makes it easier. Still, the sneaking around also isn't helping with his sleep schedule. Granted, vampires don't need as much rest as humans, which he learned from another book he snuck from the castle library at one point. So, it doesn't affect his daily life too much.

It does take a toll on his physical appearance, though.

"Oh my goodness. Honey, are you alright?"

It is now Sunday. AKA, the dreaded day of Kita's wedding. To say he's nervous is an understatement. His only solace is the fact that it's not sunny outside, mostly overcast, which he was worried about. Then again, he still has everything else to stress over.

Similar to just about every other characteristic of born vampires, turned vampires don't experience anything to the same extent. Kita can still go in the sun, just not for long. Luckily, not only is it cloudy, but it's also approaching the evening.

They're setting everything up for the wedding, and Kita hasn't seen Alexis all day. Honestly, he's hardly seen the guy throughout this entire week. Everyone has been so busy planning the wedding, Kita included, though not by choice. It honestly went by far too fast.

There is a woman doing his makeup right now, and the wedding itself starts in a little over an hour. They're almost done setting up, and then the guests will arrive, and then Kita will walk the aisle, and then he and Alexis will have to—

Kita is kind of freaking out. He can't blame the woman for her concern. "I'm okay."

"Well you look like a raccoon," she says, referring to the circles under his eyes. If it was up to Kita, he wouldn't be wearing makeup for this in the first place. He never has, and he doesn't like trying new things. However, the woman insisted it would make him look better in the newspapers. She said it would bring out his eyes, and generally pronounce his features more. Since he's so pale, she'd told him, it was recommended.

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