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A party ensues after that, the castle opening its doors and welcoming the citizens inside to celebrate. Kita can't stop smiling the entire time, and he sticks to Alexis' side for the most part. This isn't due to nerves, however.

No, Kita is beyond comfortable. More comfortable than he's ever felt at any of these events. Several people speak to him and Lyra, congratulating them and talking about how happy they are about their nations and species being allied once again. It's the most comfortable Kita has ever felt at a palace party, and he expresses that to Alexis several times.

Alexis seems just as happy as everyone else, but judging by the way he keeps glancing at Kita, Kita's not sure how much that has to do with the new developments in their nation and how much it has to do with Kita also being happy. Being himself again.

It's been so long since Kita's really been himself. Stress-free, not constantly freaking out about everyone he loves hating him. He missed himself, he missed his true personality, and more than anything he missed Alexis. He missed them, the realness of their relationship. The honesty.

Lying to both Alexis and the citizens was ripping Kita apart. Now that it's all been cleared up, however, he's almost beside himself with joy.

Kita and Alexis arrive back at their room when it's going on midnight, and Kita is so happy to be back home. He could almost kiss the furniture, he's so unbelievably excited. Cordelia is curled up asleep on a cushion on the windowsill, and Kita pets her feathers lightly for a moment before leaving her be.

When he turns around, Alexis is a few feet away, looking down at him with fondness and love.

"I missed you," he says, confirming what Kita had assumed before. He noticed that Kita was having a rough time, that he'd lost his true personality in all the stress and secrets. Now that everything's been resolved, he truly is himself again. Despite his change in species, Kita is Kita, and they love each other.

"Me, too," Kita says quietly, and Alexis takes several steps forward. Kita gulps, trying not to get nervous at the sudden proximity. Alexis' gaze is getting darker, his silver eyes turning to a darker grey as he scans Kita's face. Kita tries and fails not to fidget, and before he knows it Alexis is reaching forward.

The guy runs a hand through his hair, before grasping the side of his face with his other. He then wastes no time before leaning down and capturing Kita's mouth with his own. Kita gasps when they make contact, and that results in Alexis deepening the kiss. Pretty soon Alexis is walking forward, so Kita starts to back up, and then he's falling on the bed. Kita's eyes widen, recognizing the look in Alexis' eye and able to figure out exactly where this is going.

At first Kita's nervous, but then he realizes he has nothing to hide anymore. This time it will be much less stressful. Now Alexis knows his secret, so Kita doesn't have to worry about being hated eventually. Doesn't have to deal with the guilt of lying.

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now