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Kita doesn't know how much longer he can do this.

It's tearing him apart, keeping this secret from Alexis. He's never kept something like this before, and honestly, he doesn't have a good track record. When he was a kid, he had a hard time keeping things to himself. That's not because he likes to gossip or something, though.

Kita had a difficult time telling when something should be kept to himself and when others should know. That may have something to do with his horrible social skills, however. Either way, this sucks, and it's also different. For as long as he can remember, Kita has told Alexis everything. Alexis tells Kita everything, too. That guy has been nothing but truthful for as long as Kita can remember, and it goes both ways.

Kita has decided. He needs to tell Alexis.

To say that he is absolutely terrified beyond human—or vampire—comprehension is an understatement. Alexis hates vampires, watched his father get murdered by one. He hunts them for a living! Sure, now that he's emperor he won't be hunting as much, but still. The point is that he hates them and would kill every living one in existence if he could.

Also, let's not forget, there have been quite a few new developments in their relationship as of late. Kita has absolutely no fucking idea where they stand, because Alexis is very touchy with him now. They kiss every once in a while, but not like that time in his office. They haven't talked about it, Alexis seeming content to move on without labeling anything.

Well, okay, so they're already labeled. They're married. However, the two of them are the only ones who are aware it's platonic! Well, and Eve, but it's not like Kita can talk about this with her.

Anyway, Kita and Alexis are seriously overdue for a talk. They need to have a conversation about their relationship, and Kita needs to come clean about recent events. He just can't handle it anymore, and he's accepted his consequences. If Alexis kills him, or banishes him from Amarath, or divorces him, or all of the above, then by all means. He doesn't fucking care anymore, he wants this all to end.

Almost a week goes by before Kita hits his breaking point. Alexis is working late again, and Kita's in the room by himself. He sits and patiently waits for Alexis to come back, and tonight is different, because the work he's doing isn't his normal paperwork for the empire.

No, tonight he's hunting.

Kita fidgets, sitting on the floor with his back leaned against the bed. When Alexis is running late, Kita usually does one of two things. He either sleeps through it, or reads. Right now, since they need to talk, he is not sleeping. He is staring at the words of a book he doesn't even remember the title of, and internally panicking.

Cordelia helps. She's on his head, and has probably read more words than he has. He finds her presence comforting, helping him to relax minutely while he dreads what's about to happen.

When the door finally opens, going on midnight, Kita practically feels his heart stop. He jumps, disturbing Cordelia enough for her to just fly over to his pillow and tuck herself into bed, clearly fed up with how antsy he's been lately.

Alexis is in a good mood, something Kita can tell instantly. He's not smiling or anything, but his demeanor gives it away. He most likely had a successful night, a thought that causes a sinking feeling in Kita's stomach.

Alexis fully steps in the room, and he gives Kita a strange look. This probably has something to do with how late it is. Kita doesn't want to deal with questioning, so he talks first.

"How did it go?" He asks conversationally, though he really doesn't want to know the answer. He's sure it went well, at least for Alexis. He doesn't want to think about it.

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