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When Kita finally reaches the castle, he finds it much more populated than it was previously

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When Kita finally reaches the castle, he finds it much more populated than it was previously. There are people all over the place, and Kita was not expecting that, though he probably should've. He freezes outside the gate, hiding behind a pillar and peeking around the corner to gauge the situation.

He sees a lot of lights moving around, as well as people shouting direction at each other every once in a while. It takes a minute for him to finally figure out what's going on, but once he does, alarm floods his body.

They're looking for Kita.

Kita's eyes widen as soon as he realizes this, and then he's stumbling back from the entrance. He immediately turns and begins walking the other way, squinting his eyes to keep the glow from being too noticeable. He walks around the perimeter of the wall, dodging guards, until he finally finds a small opening. He's sure it's not supposed to be there, the worn and cracked walls likely just gave way. Still, it's big enough for him to fit through, so he does just that.

Kita isn't even sure what his plan is. The fact that people are looking for him is definitely not a great sign, but he really needs to talk to Evander. Then again, he's not sure what good that would do. What power does Kita have over him? It's not like Evander isn't already fully aware that what he's doing is wrong.

Then again, Kita is not leaving Bermuda here. Absolutely not, he is far too emotionally attached to that horse to do such a thing to her. Especially since he hasn't seen hardly any animals here, and he really does not like what that implies. Then again, the people are starving.

This thought does have him growing alarmed, suddenly worried that they may have already gotten to her. He sees the stables in the distance, which is the only place she could be since she's not out front. He's immediately sprinting there as fast as he can, and he's pretty sure he does hear some shouting behind himself. This means he's likely been spotted, but he doesn't even care. He doesn't look back, he just sprints until he reaches the stables. He hears footsteps behind himself, but he doesn't care. Kita runs inside.

Kita is thankful to find Bermuda just fine, munching on some hay in one of the little stable rooms. She gives him a questioning look, but he's so happy to see her that he enters the stable to give her a hug.

This is when he processes the footsteps again, and he remembers that there are people after him. He starts to panic, wondering how the hell he's going to escape. There's only one exit, and the guards will be bursting through said exit any minute. As Kita starts to see if there's another portion of the wall that's missing, like the castle walls, he takes note that one part of the floor has give.

It's covered in hay, and it makes a strange sound when he walks on it. Kita kneels down to move said hay, trying to figure out what's going on, and what he finds has him sighing in relief.

A trap door.

Kita wastes no time, hearing the guards practically break the door down right as he's slipping into the spooky pit underneath the floor. He's a little concerned about how dark it is, especially since he has no idea where this leads, but decides not to worry about it for now. Anything is better than getting caught by the guards, he can sense it.

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