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Blood. It's unmistakable, and Kita doesn't know what to do. He can't plug his nose, because that's too obvious, especially after the clothespin incident. He can't leave without raising suspicion. Most people would help in this situation, would check on the person, but that's too risky.

Whatever. Fuck not being suspicious. Guess what would be more suspicious? Attempting to drink Alexis' fucking blood.

"Uh, I need to go." Kita says hastily, preparing to stand up. Alexis looks up, too, a confused expression on his face. He gives Kita a questioning look, and he's touching his mouth. Kita frowns, wondering why, before it clicks that that must be where the injury is. How on earth did he—

Then, Kita notices the coffee mug. The coffee mug the maid brought in a short while ago, which has a chip in the ceramic. Right where Alexis drank from.

"Give me a minute," Alexis says, and Kita looks back at him. He has a hand up to his face, and is looking around his desk for a towel or a handkerchief or something, probably. "I'm not done with you."

Fine. That's fine. Whatever. Kita will just help him, and try to get this all cleaned up and over with as soon as he possibly can. Kita, don't think about it. Don't look at him. Don't—

Alexis has tissues on a table, closer to the door. Kita grabs a few, then puts them on Alexis' desk. He gives Kita a hum of acknowledgement, grabbing them and pressing them all against his bottom lip. The wound must be somewhat deep, because Kita's plan appears to already be backfiring. He watches the blood soak the tissues, until they're virtually deemed pointless.

Thankfully, by this point Alexis has located a handkerchief, and is able to switch them out. He presses it to his mouth, and then his attention is back on Kita, who hesitantly sits back down. Kita can't look away from Alexis, away from the bloody tissues, the towel, can't focus on anything but the intoxicating scent of the hunter's blood.

"Tell me the illness," Alexis orders. Kita briefly, hysterically, wonders what would happen if he said vampirism.

Kita has no medical knowledge. It's exactly why Cordelia needed to be seen by medical professionals for help, Kita doesn't know anything about that shit. No commoner has the resources to receive that kind of education. Therefore, he doesn't know of many illnesses, let alone ones he'd find embarrassing. He will need to make something up.

"Uh, it's... so, basically..." Kita, please, for the love of god. There is something out there you'd find embarrassing, especially when it comes to Alexis. You've been much more self conscious around him lately.

Kita scrunches up his face a bit at that thought. He doesn't want to think about that right now. Then again, it does beat what his mind and body are truly craving. Blood. Alexis. Then again, that does give him an idea. Yeah, he knows exactly what he would be embarrassed about.

"It's a sexual... thing." Kita says lamely. Alexis blinks at him, processing this. He immediately looks confused, and Kita can't even blame him. Seriously, what the hell could that possibly mean?

Alexis just stares at him for a moment, expression completely blank, before he repeats; "a sexual thing."

"Y-Yeah, and, uh, and I need treatment for it, and it's super embarrassing, so uh... so yeah, so I don't want to talk about it. I mean, pretend you don't know. This never happened." Kita rambles. Alexis is completely unreadable. At this rate, it's actually about to make Kita lose his mind.

"Kita," he says slowly, and his tone sounds strange. Kita has no idea how to describe it, he just knows that he's never heard Alexis' voice sound like that before. "Is that... what you've been doing when you leave?"

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Where stories live. Discover now