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When Kita wakes the next morning, he feels like absolute hell.

He basically goes into a coma, not waking up until it's after noon. The light that leaks through his curtains feels almost blinding when he opens his eyes, and so he rolls away from it. In doing this, he falls off the bed.

He groans in pain on impact, rolling onto his back. He realizes that he's still wearing the same jacket he did yesterday. Also, one of the sleeves is soaked with blood. It's mostly dry and slightly hardened in some places, but it's still there. This is what reminds him of the events yesterday.

That's right. The vampire.

Kita takes off the coat hastily, thankful that he at least has more energy today. He immediately looks down at his wrist, where the wound was. His whole arm is covered in primarily dried blood.

Kita rubs at it, but it doesn't do much, so he walks to his bathroom. He turns on the sink and starts scrubbing at his arm, and it doesn't take him long to find the wound... still bleeding.

Wait, what?

Shouldn't it at least have scabbed over or something? It's been almost a full twelve hours since the incident. Kita leans forward, examining the skin closer. He finds nothing to help his confusion. It's just... bleeding.

Kita glances up in the mirror, not sure if he even wants to see his appearance. He looks tired and pale, and his hair is a train wreck. There is blood on various areas of his body. Aside from that, he looks normal.

Kita's tired, so despite everything still feeling wrong—he was half expecting (hoping) it would all be better in the morning—he decides to just move on with his day.

Kita shakes his head, taking a shower and changing his clothes, wrapping his wrist in bandages and covering it with a long sleeved shirt. He then walks downstairs, and finds his mother in the kitchen. She appears to be in the process of baking something, but upon laying eyes on him, switches direction.

"There you are! I'll get started on your eggs."

It's the afternoon. Kita never sleeps in this late. Still, his mother is fully aware that when he wakes up, he wants eggs. Right now he's not craving them like he usually does, but that's probably just the stress of last night still taking its toll on him.

"Thanks, Mom."

Kita goes and takes a seat at the table. He finds that his father is gone, likely getting the pub ready to open. They better be staffed for tonight, because Kita is not working today. He is far too exhausted, both mentally and physically.

Liz starts on his scrambled eggs, the same thing he's had every morning for years. He just waits patiently, trying not to think about last night. Honestly, he probably should. He should at least talk to someone about it. Normally he would, especially since he basically tells Alexis everything. However, something is telling him that's not a good idea.

It takes Liz about five minutes to make him his breakfast, and then she's setting it in front of him. Normally she's always busy, running around and doing chores, favors for the restaurant, etcetera. She always has something to do. This is why Kita is surprised when she takes a seat across from him. Wow, she's taking a break for once?

"So," she says conversationally. "I heard some... noises, last night."

Oh yeah, Kita forgot about that. When he and Alexis came in and had to navigate their way to Kita's room, they were not quiet at all. They literally couldn't be.

"Sorry," Kita tells her, not elaborating. He has no idea what excuses he could possibly make right now. At least, he can't think of any that wouldn't concern her. He really doesn't want anybody worried about him right now. He doesn't want anyone to know, and he has no idea why.

WHAT AILS YOU [VAMPIRE] [MXM] ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon