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Kita doesn't sleep very well that night, which kind of sucks since he doubts he will be sleeping much better with Alexis. He's just so stressed, has too much on his mind, so in terms of rest... yeah, the future is looking quite bleak.

Kita wakes up the next morning to someone knocking on his door. He has become an extremely light sleeper, so he jumps awake at the noise, and he wouldn't be surprised if he awoke on the first knock. He stretches, getting out of bed easily. That is one upside to his species, it's a lot easier to wake up. Although it does seem as though his body wants him to be nocturnal now, which probably has something to do with how little he's able to sleep.

Yeah, that's not going to happen.

When Kita opens the door, he's met with the sight of a girl who looks a bit younger than him and vaguely familiar. He recognizes her as one of the messengers.

"Prince Kita Sinclair, your presence is requested in the medical wing," she notifies him. Kita actually has to pause for a moment, forgetting his change in last name, as well as status, again. For some reason, any time someone uses it, he gets this... strange feeling. He can't tell what it is or if it's negative or positive or anything like that. All he knows is that it lingers.

At least, in terms of his last name. The prince title just makes him uncomfortable. Oh god, and it's about to be emperor.

Alexis is the royalty here, not Kita.

"Alright, thank you." Kita tells her, dismissing the girl and getting ready. Once he's done with his hygiene and getting dressed, he heads that way.

Kita is expecting everything to be calm, like it was last night. This is why, upon his arrival to the medical wing, he's surprised to find absolute chaos.

Kita freezes in the doorway, seeing some people cowering in the corner, others hiding in a separate room, and one person with a broom pointed at Cordelia. She is freaking out in the far corner, squawking at the person with the broom. Several people in the room have scratches on them, and it's an impressive amount since she only has one set of talons.

"You brought the bird in, Your Highness?"

It's a slightly panicked looking doctor that asks that. He has the most scratches on him, and Kita recognizes him from last night. He looks stressed, glasses crooked, clothes and hair disheveled, and Kita feels bad for him.

"Yes, last night," Kita replies. He resists the urge to tell the guy that it's just Kita. It's just fucking Kita.

That's what it's always been, and Kita doesn't like change. Not Nikita or Your Highness or Prince or Emperor or any of that shit. Just because he's married into royalty does not mean he wants to be treated like it. Kita views these people as equal to him, like he always has. The ring on his finger and his new last name don't change what he has always been: lowborn.

"Well, we were able to stop the bleeding and apply some topical disinfectants before she fully came to." The doctor notifies him. This helps Kita feel better, growing more optimistic about Cordelia's survival than before. "Unfortunately, once she got enough strength, she became defensive and has not let us near her since. I am worried that her panic and recklessness could open the wounds again."

Kita nods, though that still doesn't answer why he was called down here. Kita watches someone go near her, trying to put a net over her from behind. Unfortunately, they don't get very far before she notices them. Kita watches the person drop the net, Cordelia swooping at them. When they make their escape, there's a scratch on their face.

"We were hoping you'd try," The doctor finishes. Kita can't help it, he looks at the guy like he's lost his mind. He's hoping the doctor will smile and say he's messing with Kita or something, but the guy doesn't look anywhere close to joking right now. He looks like he just wants this to be over.

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